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From the moment I was born I was stripping. My first memory was using my umbilical cord to try to substitute a pole, but one day a random pull

 My first memory was using my umbilical cord to try to substitute a pole, but one day a random pullappeared

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I was always super athletic

My mom died giving birth to me because the pole was too much for her uterus

She popped like a balloon

I was a super stipper when I dropped out of college, it's bean about a year, but now I'm stripping professionally for the mafia

One day everything changed

Because of him...

Nick Wilde

1 year prior

I had been sitting under a tree in my university. That's when he came by. A random MAN probably stalking me... I couldn't let him escape me so I pounced and nailed him against the tree, our faces dangerously close. I searched his orbs for any sign of a threat but he just smirked at me

I realized he's not a man at all but a... fox?

I smirk

He smirks

Them his tail grabs my thighs (at the same time)

He smells me

I feel his tail smirk

"MMMM, smells like onions"

"Who's your name?" I say

He hesitates

" Nicholas Wildness" he replies

Hmm that name kinda sounded familiar...

"Your name?" He asks in a low gravely orgasmic voice

"Vahoona Laguna Luba Tuba" I say in a cute way

"Is that French?"


"We what?"

"We should get dinner" I say with a wink.

I wish I was in better clothing for this... I only have my sweatpants and messy bun on right now.

Who would want to go out with me? after all I am only 4'9

"Let's go Darling"

He swoops me up and we swoop away to dinner

Nick Wilde (CEO) and Vahoona (stripper) erotic fanfic *SUPER SPICY* 🌶️ Where stories live. Discover now