Nick (distoght)

14 0 0

Trying to hold in my growls as I shoot like a rocket toward my emotional support typewriter to write out my feelings like a alpha therapist

My co-worker Perry gave me this typewriter so I can be like dearest Taylor Swift

Type type

My tail keeps getting in the way. I get frustrated and grab the belt I made especially for tucking away my tail and tuck it in to continue typing 💬

Last place I checked Carrots cakes is in my office

I hope she dosnt hate, me

I would burn down the world for, her but she hates me now

I wanted to tell her I really did, it's just with all this stuff with my dad getting killed it's been really hard to concentrate.

I need to see her

I walk into the hall, I spot her looking like she's heading out

"Vahoona!" I scream from right behind her

"Jesus fucking Chri-"

"I didn't mean what I said, I've just bean so stressed ever since my dad was murdered with a rose toy... I wanted to find you and...."

"Save it"

She slaps my masculine fox face with her tiny hand and scurry's away

I've lost her.....
How will I ever make it up to my mate???

Nick Wilde (CEO) and Vahoona (stripper) erotic fanfic *SUPER SPICY* 🌶️ Where stories live. Discover now