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I wake in our room... Nick's room I mean... for it feels like ours

In my dreams, I heard the type type type click click click click of a tortured keyboard

I lock around waiting to see Nick lurking, but he is not there

I'm so tiny in his alpah bed

My outfit has been changed, I'm blushing so hard when I see what it says

'Worlds best mafia stripper'

Nick must of had it made for, me

I'm about to look for him, but I look over at the typewriter and look what's written on it

'Vahoona Laguna Luba Tuba... will you make me the happiest mate in the world and become Vahoona Laguna Luba Tuba Wild?'

This is incredible all my life. I've never dreamed of something like this 🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🙉

"I do!" I say loudly 🐤

I look around but don't see Nick so I go to his office 🏢

When I arrive at his office, he is in a meeting with someone

"O-Oh-h I s-s-should p-prob come-e back another t-time"

The guy he's in a meeting with maneuvers over to me and says "yeah, go away who're" 🚔

I hear Nick growl then gun shot goes off

Nick instantly kills him; bursting the window

Now me and Nick both have blood on us... I hope he's not m-mad a-a-at m-e

Actually, I don't care if he's mad at me, his orange fur, his tail, his black nose....

I can't control my urges so I run 🏃🏼‍♀️ over to him and smooch him "I do" I say

He seems surprised but then kisses me back

I make a vibration sound

He pauses, putting his paw in front of my face


"Let me put on some tunes" he says in a deep husky voice that makes me cross my legs

I must made a confused face cause he clarifies "just to set the mood"

He grabs his iPad, (veins popping out of his paws) going to Spotify and putting on the song 'The Torture Poets Department' By Taylor Swift

(Play if you dare)

I get on all fours and run to him, as he to me

You left your typewriter at my apartment,
Straight from the tortured poets department

We meet in the middle, landing on his desk, pushing all the items off of it

I think some things I never say like who uses typewriters anyway?

A mouth the lines to him

He grrrrs

It's a full moon tonight

Nicks staring at me "whatttt??" I ask

"Your eyes turned a diff color Calorie Cakes... wowza... I think ur part wolf" 🐺

'Who else decodes you?
And who's gonna hold you like me?'

"And I so, that's prob why we're mates"


"Vahoona" he says;deep voice


"Remember how I said I'd eat ur ice cream?"
He smirks in that way on his

"Y-y-y-y-y-ya" I'm scared for what he'll do next

He walks over to his mini fridge grabbing a rabbit flavored ice cream.

We muchin' on it

"Now for you" he says

*they start...* 😼

Taylor Swift must be doing her magic because it feels like we're in, heat,

"Ratatattaratatattatatataaahhhhhhhhh" he moans



"This desk must be pretty sturdy" I giggle 🤭

He giggles to

Actually giggles

We start doing... Other stuff, and I'm so embarrassed by how small I am. I'm just so tiny and so fragile

"Vahoooooona no need to embarrass yourself,
🗣️your bod is great" he growls, as if reading my mind.

I blush

And his noodle is in my cavootel

His 🐍 turns to a alpah 🪢

(If ykyk)


And we drowned in hotness

Nick Wilde (CEO) and Vahoona (stripper) erotic fanfic *SUPER SPICY* 🌶️ Where stories live. Discover now