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pure joy for the excited rush I feel but then I realize he probably wasn't talking about me on the typewriter. It's probably someone else NGL I am kind of distraught.

He's probably talking about Ozempic, my ultimate enemy enemy en.............................
I see a quirky little swish of an orange tail

Nick comes back to his office in a hurried haze. I stare at him, wondering if he intentionally wanted me to read that typewriter... How could it even be possible if fox and a normal old stripper like myself be...... Mates??

I stride over to him, so many, words in my head I want to say, but I don't know how to convey them.

My entire life has been searching for someone, but I'm not really sure what...

"Are you... My mate???"
I say

he gasps a little, clearly in shock by what I've said...

He prances back a little bit in shock and I am shook that he is shook

"How you know that?"

"Just answer the goddamn question Nick are we or are we? Our sense are clearly intertwined somehow Nicholas. Just tell me what are you hiding?"

He looks in disbelief, then says

"I'm afraid"

"Of what?"

"That all hurt you"

"Why is that?"

"I used to date this annoying bunny, bitch and I accidentally ate her with no leftovers"

His voice is filled with sad
I'm surprised at his honesty.

"you probably never want to be with me."

He runs out of the room, tail between his legs; sad

Nick Wilde (CEO) and Vahoona (stripper) erotic fanfic *SUPER SPICY* 🌶️ Where stories live. Discover now