Cg Fukuzawa/Littles Yosano, Ranpo, Dazai

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I'm so sorry this took so long. I was gonna upload it earlier, but I accidently dropped my phone in water.

Yosano, Ranpo and Dazai had left the Agency early so that Ranpo could stock up on more candy so that he didn't run out. He had convinced Dazai to come by telling him that he would do his work for him, (Ranpo was actually just going to convince Kunikida to do the work,) and Yosano had agreed to go with them because she didn't want to be left out.

Unfortunately, though, whilst they were out,  Yosano had started to feel small. They hurried their shopping up, getting less sweets than Ranpo would have liked, but he didn't mind if it meant that Yosano would be more comfortable going back to the Agency instead of being small in public. 

Once they got back to the Agency, though, it was empty. No one was there besides the three that had just arrived. Ranpo glanced around nervously. He was also beginning to feel small and he could tell that Dazai was beginning to as well. 

All three of them were regressed and there was nobody else around. They huddled together in the middle of the room, tears beginning to form in their eyes as they sat there, not knowing what to do.

Just then, the main door of the office squeaks open, and Fukuzawa walks in, all three littles' attention on him immediately. Fukuzawa picks up on what is happening and makes his way over to the three, crouching down in front of them. 

"Are you okay?" He asks. Giving no answer, Ranpo and Yosano launch themselves at Fukuzawa, and he catches them, even though he is caught slightly  off guard. Dazai just continues to sit on the floor, though, watching the other two littles. Fukuzawa glances over at Dazai. "Are you okay?" He repeats his question, and Dazai nods. "Okay. It's getting  late. Let's go to the dorms." Fukuzawa suggests, and the littles agree.

Getting up, Yosano took Fukuzawa's left hand whilst Ranpo took his right and Dazai took a fistful of the back of Fukuzawa's shirt. Fukuzawa lead all three littles back to the dorms and into his own, as even though in their own dorms they did have little gear, they only had their own, but inside Fukuzawa's dorm, they all had little gear.

"Okay, let's get you all into comfy clothes, hm?" Fukuzawa suggested which got hums of agreement from Yosano and Ranpo and a nod from Dazai. Fukuzawa got out three onesies. One was purple for Yosano, another was green for Ranpo, and the last one was blue for Dazai. Fukuzawa colour coordinated all their little gear like that. All the purple gear was Yosano's, all the green gear was Ranpo's, and all the blue gear was Dazai's.

Dazai tugged on Fukuzawa's sleeve. Fukuzawa glanced down at him. "Yes, Dazai? What do you need?" Fukuzawa asked. "Paci?" Dazai asked shyly. "You want your paci? Of course, I'll go get it for you now." Fukuzawa was about to go and get Dazai's pacifier, but before he could, Ranpo ran off and came back with a blue pacifier, holding it out to Dazai. Dazai smiled at Ranpo and thanked him before taking the pacifier. 

Fukuzawa smiled at Ranpo, ruffling his hair. "Thank you for helping." He said. Ranpo returned the smile before running over to Yosano who was colouring. He took a seat beside her and she handed him a picture and crayons. Dazai crawled over over to the two and was handed a picture and crayons as well. 

The three stayed like that for a while,  Yosano and Ranpo talking to each other whilst Dazai babbled along. Soon, Dazai started to grow tired and abandoned his picture which had actually just become a paper filled with colourful squiggles. He crawled over to Yosano and cuddled into her side as she continued to colour her picture in.

Ranpo was the next to decide that he had finished colouring and he decided to give the picture to Fukuzawa. He smiled proudly as Fukuzawa took the picture. It was obvious that Ranpo had tried to keep the crayon inside the lines but had been unsuccessful. "Well done. It's really good." Fukuzawa said as he ruffled Ranpo's hair. Ranpo giggled happily and ran back to Yosano, who had finished colouring and was holding a sleeping Dazai in her arms. 

Ranpo quickly sits down and hugs Yosano, cuddling against her. Dazai whines and clings to Yosano tighter, having been woken up by Ranpo. Yosano glares at Ranpo who gives her an apologetic look but doesn't let go of her. She sighs, cuddling both of them. 

Ranpo can feel himself dropping smaller and whines. He looks at Dazai who still has his own paci. Ranpo wants his paci! Ranpo whines again. Yosano glances at him in concern. "What's wrong?" She asks just as Fukuzawa crouches down next to them to check why Ranpo was whining.

"Paci!" Ranpo whines. Fukuzawa nods, getting up and leaving the room, coming back shortly after with a green pacifier for Ranpo. Ranpo happily accepts it. "Thank oo..." He thanked. "You're welcome." Fukuzawa said. Ranpo placed the pacifier in his mouth, sucking on it to soothe himself.

"I'm sleepy." Yosano stated. "Do you want to go to bed?" Fukuzawa asked. Ranpo quickly shook his head as Yosano nodded, and Dazai nodded tiredly as well. "Well the other two want to go to bed, Ranpo, you should go as well." Fukuzawa stated. Ranpo whined, shaking his head. "I'll read you a story." Fukuzawa coaxed. Ranpo perked up before nodding.

Yosano stood up, Dazai still in her arms and started walking to the bedroom. "Are you fine with carrying him?" Fukuzawa asked. Yosano nodded. "I'm fine." She said. Fukuzawa nodded, turning his attention back on Ranpo. 

"Come on, let's go." Fukuzawa started towards the bedroom, gesturing for Ranpo to follow. Ranpo just whined, still sitting on the floor. Fukuzawa turned back to ask what was wrong, but before he could, Ranpo made grabby hands for him. Fukuzawa smiled and picked Ranpo up, carrying him to the bedroom.

Once all three littles were comfy in bed, Fukuzawa started to reading as promised. Dazai, who had already been drifting in and out of sleep fell asleep first followed by Ranpo. Yosano was able to stay awake until Fukuzawa finished the book, drifting off to sleep shortly after. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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