New Trainer

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"Dad I have to go." I whined while my dad is still hugging me. "Elizabeth just be careful I don't want the same thing that happened to us to happened to you." I rolled my eyes and I looked at both my mom and dad,Alan and Ellie Grant. "I'll be fine I'll make sure no t-Rex chases me.Besides I haven't told you what I'm training." I start to walk back a little bit when I hear my mom,"Sweetie what are you training?" I ran to the entrance of plane and look back at them,"T-Rex." I see there worried faces as I board my plane. Hopefully everything goes smoothly.

Landing at the airport:
I get off my plane after a 4 or 7 hour flight. I try to see my transportation but sadly I see nothing. I decide to sit down and wait when someone familiar sits next to me. "Are you waiting for me?" I turn around to see who said that and I see Claire sitting next to me,"Claire oh my gosh how much I've missed you and you cut your hair what a difference." She laughs a little,"The t-Rex hasn't hatched yet so we better get going." I get my bags and get in Claire's car. I haven't seen Claire in 3 years since she took the job of running Jurassic World. Two months ago she called me for a trainer job for the t-Rex. I was really excited so of course I took it. I've been in love with dinosaurs my whole life. But my parents aren't very fond of them. My dad only likes finding Dinosaur bones. They have chilling stories about them but I still took the job. I have a necklace that my uncle gave me or my birthday it's a t-Rex. He's my favorite so I don't want to loose it. I was staring off into space when I felt Claire shaking me,"Liz.Liz are you ok? We're here." I look around at the new park and its a breath taking view. I see a few dinosaurs roaming around. Mostly baby triceratops having a good time. Claire takes me to the lab to wait for the baby t-Rex to hatch. "He should be here by now." I look at her confused"Who should be here by now?"
She looks up and is kinda startled,"Oh, Owen Grady. He's the new raptor trainer. He has a U.S. navy background." Were looking at the eggs when I hear a voice behind us,"Are they hatched yet?" I look to see who it is,"Ah you must be Mr.Grady. I've heard a few things about you." He lets out a smile,"Who might you be?" I chuckle a little,"Im Elizabeth Grant the new t-Rex trainer." He looks a little shocked,"Wow in surprised that someone is willing to train with a t-Rex.Wait did you say Grant as in Alan Grant?Wow I'm a big fan of your father and mother. Also a small fan of there daughter." I blush a little when Claire gasp,"The t-Rex is hatching!" We turn to see a tiny crack in the egg. Then the baby Rex comes out. I hold it and let's out a little tiny roar. I laugh a little bit,"Hey precious what should we name you?" There's an awkward silence when I had an idea in my head,"How about I call you Lex. Yeah that suits you little girl." It roars a little bit more when I carry it for little bit to see the raptors hatch. There are four and there all girls. I could tell Owen is excited.He has a sparkle in his eyes that I've never seen in a guy. They start to hatch at the same time. Owen holds two in each hand,"I think I'll name you Blue,Delta,Charlie and Echo." He's looking at them like there his own daughters and I look at Lex like she's my own too.

1 month later:

"There new enclosure is finished.You can put Lex in hers and the raptors in theres." Right now Lex is medium size so she can go into her enclosure. I lead Lex into a truck at first she hesitates but then she gets in.Shes a little stubborn at times but she cooperates with me. I hear something from the walkie talkie,"Hows lex is she still being stubborn like her mother?" That's when I knew it's Owen,"I feel bad for the raptors they have a dumbo of a dad." I just hear chuckle from the other end. We've been driving for a few minutes now and we finally get to the enclosure."Come on Lex.Its your new home." She looks at me with her face she gives me when she doesn't want to do something."Oh come on lex its for the tourist in 2 months." I could see she shakes her head. I hold my hand out and she nuzzles into it,"I promise I won't let them hurt you. Unless if you come out.Ill give you your favorite,steak." I hold out a piece of steak and she comes out of her hiding place. "At it girl." She smells her new home and starts to run for a little bit. I give out a smirk. "I've got to go now precious I know you don't want me to leave but I have to. I'll check up on you in a while or tomorrow I promise." I walk outside when she gives out a roar. I already know she doesn't want me to leave so I mouthed to her "Suck it up." and she starts checking out her new home. I wonder how my parents would react of the progress with Lex.

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