Indominus Rex

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"Owen what were you talking to my dad about?"
"Nothing don't worry about it Liz."
"Ugh ok fine."
I'm about to call Claire when a gray car pulls up and she comes out.
"Hey Claire I was just about to call you.Whats up?"
"We have a new attraction and we need you to look at it and see if it's an ok to reveal it to the public."
"Why us? Besides I have to take your nephews to see Lex."
"We can do that after or if we even get to it. Also because Mr.Masrani thinks you can control the raptors and the T-Rex."
"Woah let me stop you right there Claire. I know we've been friends for a long time but you know how defensive I get over the dinosaurs.Another thing it's not control we have over them it's a bond.Its a relationship based on mutual respect Claire. They have an instinct and there thinking I have to eat,I have to hunt, and you know the last one Claire."
"Yes I understand but please come with me to the enclosure to see it."
Owen puts his arm around my waist,"Yeah yeah we'll be there."

At the enclosure:
"So the new dinosaur is the indomonaus rex."
Owen chuckles,"Indominus really?"
"It's more easy to say for the kids.So Mr.Masrani wants a bigger scarier attraction. It's bigger than a T-Rex. We can't reveal the genetics of the dinosaur because that is classified."
We get up to the viewing area of the indominus rex."So where is she? Do you have to tap the glass or something?" Owen laughs.
I look over and I see a crack in the glass,"Claire was that crack always there?"
"No actually. It tried to break the glass." While Owen and Claire are looking at the glass I turn over and see claw marks. "Owen Claire why are those claw marks there?"
They turn around and I could see the terrified look in there eye."Claire go get my parents and uncle to the control room now. I don't want the same thing to happen to them again.Please Claire."
She nods,"Check the thermo cameras to make sure." We check but there's nothing there.
"What the heck she was here a few minutes ago." She starts to run off while me and Owen go inside to inspect it. Two workers come with us. "I don't get she was here a while ago." I here my walkie for static. "Vivian can you please repeat that?"
"SHE IN THERE WITH YOU!!" We don't see anything at first but then she comes into view. We start running for our lives. One of the workers open the gate so we could get out.But then I starts closing,"Owen we need to run faster." I look back to see the other worker get eaten. We make it out in time. But that didn't stop her. Owen and I run under a car. Owen looks at me and I know what he's thinking. So I nod. He cuts one of the cords under the car and rub ourselves with gasoline. We turn around to see the dinosaur creeping up next to the other car. The worker is in front of the car and mouths,"Help me." But its too late he gets put into the mouth of the dinosaur. Owen makes me look away. Then it slowly comes next to our car. I want to let out a scream but Owen covers my mouth. We stay there in silent until we here a roar from the indominus rex.

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