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When we arrive at the raptors we Hoskins getting ready to release the raptors. "Oh hell no I told you to stay away from them."
"Well you see I'm your boss and I do whatever I want and you do whatever I want." My dad walks up to him, "Um excuse me." Then he punches Hoskins in the face,"No one bosses my daughter but me and her mother."
I look stunned at my dad, "What you think your old man can't hit anymore?"
I laugh and hug him.
Hoskins gets up, "Look we only need the raptors and that it not the T-Rex. So Owen are you on board?"
He looks at me, "Only if we do it my way." He looks at me and I nod my head. I lead Zach and Gray to the back of an ambulance. "Stay here you'll be safe." I close the doors and head to the raptors. They have a camera around them. I got to Delta, "I know doll. You don't like it but everything will be over after I promise." I pet her on top of her head. I go find Owen, "Owen what's in your hands?"
"Oh the part where the indominus cut off the tracker."
He opens it up, "Eww close it up Owen." He lets the raptors smell it for a while and they start to get aggressive a little bit. Owen comes up to me ,"Be careful and come back to me."
He kisses me, "Of course it's you that needs to be careful and needs to come back to me." When there released Delta comes up to me and nuzzles me. "Go you have to. I promise I'll see you later." Then she starts running back to her pack. I get inside in the front of the ambulance. I have a tablet that shows what the raptors are doing. They run and Blue looks back at Owen. Then I noticed Owen looks like my dad when raptors were around him. They keep running when they finally stop. I can't see anything until the indominus comes into view. "Mom can you stay here and if anything happens drive to the lab. I'm going to help Owen I'll be fine." I take a gun and start running towards where Owen is. I'm right by his side when we found out what the indominus is half of. Raptor. While the pack is communicating with indominus we back up a little bit. They finally turn around, "Owen they have a new alpha now." That's when all hell broke loose. People start shooting but I really didn't want to hurt the raptors. So I ran to the nearest closest place. Delta was done killing someone when she poked her head up. "Delta I don't want to hurt you." I held my hand out and she nuzzled it a little. Then she looked back and pushed me. Then there was an explosion. "DELTA!!" I start to cry when Owen comes to me, "What happened?"
"Delta she's dead. A missal hit her. She saved me. She pushed me out of the way." I cried even more.
Owen is hugging, "She still loves you. Now come on let's get to the lab." We get up and start running fast. We get on Owens motorcycle. We the ambulance ahead and Blue chasing after it. "Blue stand down." I yell at him. Then I remembered, I still have the pouch around me for the raptors and Lex. I get it off my waist and throw it far so we have time. We finally get to the lab and we see Hoskins and InGEN packing up the lab ,"What the hell Hoskins? You are not going to create dinosaurs for the navy. I won't allow that." Gray looks the computer, "Is this the indominus Rex?"
Hoskins laughs a little, "yes kid. It is." Then Echo comes in. "Woah buddy were on the same side. Were friends." He holds his hand up to Echo. But she just bites it down. I yell ,"Run!!!" We start running out of the lab when Charlie breaks through the glass. Owen presses on the hologram so a dinosaur pops up to scare Charlie. We went outside and were surrounded by Charlie,Echo and Blue. Owen starts barking commands at them,"Back up guys we don't want to hurt you." Charlie and Echo have there camera off except for Blue. I go up to her and take it off. "That's better isn't it?" I hold out my hand and she nuzzles it like Delta used to do. We feel big footsteps coming towards us. The indominus Rex shows up and starts talking to Charlie Blue and Echo again. There basically saying stay away from them. "Owen keep them distracted while I get Lex. Mom dad Ian Zach and Gray follow me." We sneak past them and go to Lex, "Ok guys go hide in the corner over meanwhile. When everything's done me or Owen will come get you." I grab my walkie I'm going to regret this.

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