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"Owen get off of me please."
"No I don't want to let you go."
"You have to. I have to go see how Lex is doing. You have to go check on your girls."
"Fine only cause I love you."
I gave him a kiss on his cheek and got ready for work. "Bye Owen. Love you."
"Love you too."
I'm driving to Lex when I get a call from Claire,
"Hey Claire what do you need?"
"Can you show my two nephews the t-Rex exhibit? I'll be there with you."
"Hopefully I get played more."
"Bye Liz."
"Bye Claire."
I go to Lex and see there's a bunch of people surrounding the glass and tapping on it. So I go in to see Lex.
"Hey baby girl. Are they bothering you? I promised you when you first came here: I won't let them touch you. Speak Lex." She roars at the people and I hear some kids yelling. I start laughing,"Good girl." I order the 4th cow for her today and leave her so she could eat it.
I go to the lab to see any baby dinosaurs when I hear a familiar voice,"Wow my niece just got out of the T-Rex exhibit without a scratch. Nice one Liz I wonder how your parents will react." I turn around and it's my uncle Ian!! I go running to him and I jump on him."Ian what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with my mom and dad?"
"Well I convinced them to see there precious daughter."
I have a confused face when I look behind him,"MOM DAD YOUR HERE!!"
"Nice to see you too sweetie."
"How's raptor boy and you?"
"Dad his name is Owen and we're doing fine. I thought you said you'd never come back."
"Well I just needed to see you."
"Do you guys wanna see something?"
"Of course."
"Ok follow me but don't over react."
I get my car and drive them to see Lex.
"Mom and dad what I'm about to show may surprise you. But you need to stay here."
I go in and get some meat. I whistle so Lex will come to me. "Hey girl. Yeah I know I came back to show very special people some tricks you can do." I reach my hand out and she nuzzles into it. I start to run. When I reach to a tree she finds me and puts me on her back."Good girl now put me down."
I order another cow for her but before I give it to her I tell her,"Speak." She roars and I hear yelling again and I laugh. I give her the cow and go to meet my parents and uncle and lock the door."So mom,dad what do you think about Lex?" There quite for a few minutes,"Sweetie I think it's great that you trained her."
"I'm still scared for your safety though Elizabeth."
"I know dad."
"Oh Alan let the kid do whatever she wants."
I push Ian and we go into my car so I could take them to the apartments for workers and there family. When I'm about to leave I tell them,"Oh I also work with raptors." They stood quite when I took them to see Owen and the raptors. I get out of the car,"Barry! How's Delta my favorite."
"She's doing well Liz don't worry about her. I see you brought your parents and Dr.Malcolm." They get out to introduce themselves and of course my uncle has to say,"Hi I'm Ian Malcolm her cool uncle." I roll my eyes and playfully push him. "Hey Barry where's Owen?"
"He's getting lunch for us he'll be back any moment." Then I see Owen come in his motorcycle. "Hey Liz I didn't think you'd be here- Oh hi Dr. Grant Dr.Sattler and Dr. Malcolm I'm Owen her um boyfriend." I blush a little. "Well nice to meet you Owen and just call me Ian and just call her mom Ellie and call her dad-"
"Call me Alan."
"After all these years I still have to call you Dr.Grant." We laugh a little and tell Owen if he would train the raptors to show my parents and uncle. I hear that pig is loose and someone tried to get him but it didn't work and he fell in.
"Owen your gonna hate me for this." I kiss him on the cheek. "Hate you for-" I didn't let him finish his sentence. I jumped in the habitat. "Barry open the gate." He comes down quickly and opens the gate."Barry close it."
"Liz are you crazy get out of there."
"No Owen close the gate."
I hear my dad whisper something to Ian but I couldn't hear it. "Blue back up I see you. Charlie you and Blue better back off or-" I make a run for it while the gate is closing. I make it in time. Owen gives me a tight hug,"Elizabeth the more crazy you get the more I love you. But that was dangerous next time leave it to me."
I run to my mom dad and Ian,"See we can train the raptors to do certain things. Before you ask yes I'm ok."
I hear Hoskins start to clap,"See Elizabeth we need them in the field."
"They are not just some military toy you can play with Hoskins. If you get near any of them I will shoot you."
"You won't shoot me your just a little girl."
I pull out a gun and point it to to him. I shoot near his feet."Now do you think I'm a little girl? Now leave and never come back and stay away from Lex."
He starts to run for his life. "That's my girl. I can't believe you still remember the time I took you to the shooting range?"
My dad turns to Ian with a crazy look in his eyes,"You took my daughter where?"
"I took her to the mall Alan." With a nervous smile.
"That's what I thought." I start laughing and Owen goes up to my father and talks to him about something. I shrug it off and get in the car to drop off my parents and Ian. I wait till my Dad is finally done talking to Owen and leave. "Dad what were you talking to Owen about?"
"Oh nothing just guy stuff."
"Sure ok." I drop them off so they could relax and see the rest off the park. I go back to my house to wait for Owen. I make myself some food and wait. I see him pulling up,"Liz what are you doing here it's the afternoon."
"Tired is all."
"Can you help me with my motorcycle babe?"
"Of course Owen."

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