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"Elizabeth Rose Grant,
I remember the first day I met you in the lab. You were and still are the most beautiful girl I have seen. You make me feel like no one else has. I also couldn't believe you were going to train a t-rex. Which made me think,"Wow this girl is crazy but I still love her." The day you saved that man from Blue Echo Delta and Charlie I knew you would put your life on the line for people and I would the same, especially for you. But I also thought you were crazy. Also when I first met you I knew you are the one. If anyone wants to steal you away from me well they better find someone else cause your already mine. Well except for your dad. Elizabeth I'm in love with you so much I hope and I know you feel the same.
Turn around"
I turn around and see Owen on one knee ," This may not be the perfect time but Elizabeth Rose Grant will you marry me."
With tears in my eyes,"Yes of course."
He puts the ring on my finger and he picks me up and spins me around. He whispers in my ear, "Don't worry I asked your parents for there blessing." I start to laugh, "I love you Owen Grady."
"I love you to Elizabeth Grant."

At the recovery center:
We walk around looking for Gray Zach's parents. We finally found them but there mom asked me, "Where's Claire? I thought he was taking care of them."
"Well she didn't take exactly good care of them and so I took care of them."
She started to cry a little and she pulled me into a hug. "Thank you so much for taking good care of them."
"No problem."
I was about to walk out when my dad calls me, "Elizabeth we just wanted to tell you that we're going home. If that's fine with you?"
"No I can't I'm staying here to look for lex and clean everything up."
"Sweetie your dads right you need to come home."
I hesitate for while and answer with tears in my eyes, "Ok fine."
Then I walk outside for air. I can't leave Lex, she's basically like family too. So I start running to the forest. I reach the highest place of the forest, "LEX WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" I start to breakdown when I feel Owen wrapping his arm around my waist, "Shhh everything is going to be ok we'll see her again I promise." I nod while still crying. Then we walk down the hill. "Liz how about we have the wedding on the island and honeymoon? All we have to do is clean up a bit and there we go."
"I think that'll be nice." I smile and kiss Owen, "But for now let's get of the island to plan for the wedding. Ok Owen?"
"Yeah of course." He places another kiss on me making me happy. We spot Claire I stop. I pick her up off the ground and hug her. "I'm so sorry Claire I should've never done that to you. You mean the world to me. I'll forget that you did that to Owen. I love you your my sister and I don't ever want to loose you." She starts to cry,"Of course I forgive you. Your my sister. I'm so sorry." We hug and we start to walk together down the island. "Oh Claire will you be my maid of honor?"
"Of course I will be." We hug each other again and go back to the recovery center. Were waiting for a helicopter to take us back to Costa Rica while I'm looking back at the island. Owen comes out and grabs my hand and we intertwine them. "Liz this is our home and we need to clean it up. But if you don't want to-"
"Owen of course I do this is home. Where we belong."
He smiles and kisses me on his forehead.

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