Home sick

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Owens POV
We finally landed on Costa Rica. We went to a really nice hotel. I grab Liz and out her in bed. I go to sleep with my arm around her waist.

In the Morning:
I wake up and Liz is gone.
"Liz are you in the room?"
No answer. So I look outside and I see her on the beach just standing there. God she's so beautiful. I put on my shirt shoes and pants and went downstairs. I put my arm around her.
"Liz what are you thinking?"
"Just how Lex and Blue are getting along and how the hell were gonna make the wedding happen on the island."
"Well we can ask Claire to help us getting all the guest there with the money and the rest we'll figure out."
She sighs. I turn her to face me.
"Liz everything will be okay I promise. I know your homesick and so am I."
She puts her forehead on mine, "Owen I love you."
"I love you too Liz."

Ian's POV:
I'm in the bar with Alan, "So raptor boy finally asked for your blessing."
"Yup I just really hope he takes care of her."
"Alan trust me he will since she knows how to shoot a gun."
"Ian you are so lucky you are my best friend."
"Yeah I know."

Sorry it's so short guys💞💋

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