#19- Homestuck crossover #TW #L9TS 9F SWEARING

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Hello all! So, I'm not sure if you guys know, but I am now very crazy for Homestuck *rocks in a ball, muttering about the Omegapause* and I may or may not be plotting to buy some Faygo for me and me only. *evil laugh* anyway...

There are some /a lot of\ swear words in this (what do you expect, it's Homestuck XD ) so just read on with caution.

:o) hOnK

This is a very late update for Percy's birthday

now... where to start it at...

<John Egbert>

I was separated from all of my friends on an unknown planet- wait, it's just Earth- and I had no idea where I was, the only place relatively far away from my house that I had been being the lake on the other side of town. And I just wanted a friend-oh wait, there's Karkat. I am so glad I'm not alone. "Karkat!" I shouted and waved him over. We were at a park surrounded by tall buildings, wait, is that the Empire State Building? Cool! I'm in New York! "WHAT DO YOU WANT, YOU HUGE FUCKING IGNORAMUS." I just smiled at him and rolled my eyes, I could get him back for that later. "We're in New York!" My eyes were wide in awe "Everything's so much bigger in person!" Karkat rolled his eyes at my excitement "WELL OBVIOUSLY IT WOULD BE BIGGER YOU STUPID NOOKSTAIN- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" He was looking in the distance, where two half woman half snake things were cornering this kid who- is that a sword? Oh gog it is!

"It looks... It looks Greek! Like, from the Greek Mythologies." I told him and ran forward "Hey!" The thing turned and looked at me so the boy with the sword took the chance to kill one of the snake-women. It turned into golden dust "Whatsss thissss? Demigodsss? But they cannot be. They sssmell mortal but they can sssee usss. And that sssecond boy isss a monssster." Karkat flipped it off "I AM NOT A MONSTER YOU FUCKING IDIOT. I HAVE FEELINGS. AND JUST BECAUSE MY FUCKING SKIN IS GREY, I HAVE FUCKING HORNS AND SOME THINGS I HAVE AREN'T HUMAN DOESN'T MEAN I'M A FUCKING MONSTER YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Karkat was seething with fury so I put a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him.

"Chill Karkat." He turned to glare at me and once he was, I poked his nose "Beep" I did it again "Beep" I then used my fingers to push his mouth into a smile "Meow" his glare intensified. "I'm just playing with you Karkat!" He rolled his eyes and looked back at the person and snake-woman/not-a-snake-woman-anymore-just-a-pile-of-gold-dust. The sword guy came closer to us and I saw that his hair was raven black and his eyes were a piercing sea-green. "What are you? You aren't a mortal obviously." He asked Karkat, who scoffed at his blatant obliviousness "I MAY NOT BE A FUCKING PINK SKINNED MONKEY BUT I CERTAINLY AM MORTAL COMPARED TO THIS FUCKASS HERE." He pushed me "Karkaaaat! You can't just tell anyone that I'm God Tier! He probably doesn't even know what the game is." I pushed him back "Uhh... What?" The guy looked lost by now "SEE JOHN HE'S JUST AS STUPID AS YOU." Karkat pointed out "Shhhh." I stroked Karkat's cheek and he pushed me away "WHAT THE FUCK JOHN?!" I shrugged "I dunno I'm bored." Karkat simply sighed at me.

"SO, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" He asked the guy with blatant distaste. "I don't know whether I should tell you. I've been told that Names have power." The guy said cheekily "I like you." I noted "I'm John, John Egbert." I held out a hand to him and he shook it "I'm Percy Jackson." Karkat was fuming at this "WHY THE FUCK DID HE ANSWER YOU AND NOT ME YOU FUCKASS!" and he pulled out some sickles from his strife specibus and jumped at me. I rolled my eyes "Again Karkat?" I pulled out the Warhammer of Zillyhoo and blocked the sickles. "Put them away co-palhoncho, you don't need them." Karkat just looked amused at me rather than mad "YOU ARE SUCH A DORK." he teased and I smirked at him "Yes but that's why you love me." I retorted and Karkat blushed in his adorable candy red colour, looking really flustered. Then I realised what I said and felt heat rushing to my cheeks "I didn't mean-no homo-ah fuck it." I leaned in and kissed him quickly and awkwardly but it left a satisfied smile on my face.

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