#9 - Meeting Percy

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This is booksfrlife 's mortal OC, meeting Percabeth. I will probably put a basic description of this character at the end.



Luff ya all! Thank you so much for commenting your OCs.



Be warned, she will say 'like' a lot. And she's really annoying and stereotypical and rude.



<Lizzie Knight>



I'm like Lizzie Knight, like daughter of Ian Knight (I legitimately just realised that this person is actually real, but only the name is correct... The Ian I know is a Police officer and his daughter dances with me o-O and we live in Australia...), the like richest guy in like America and Rachel Knight, like, the current like Miss Universe. I like live in like a 4 like storey mansion and like I am like the Queen Bee of like Golden Gate High. I have a like group of like minion- I like mean slave- I like mean friends that are like all pretty, but like not as like pretty as like me. I like have like beautiful like butt length like straight like brown hair (like straightened, of course!) and like crystal like blue eyes.



I like, hate like Annabeth like Chase. She's like such a like slut. (A/N I'm this far and I hate her already XD) With like dyed like blonde hair and like obviously fake like grey eyes- like, who can like have like grey eyes like without like contacts?- and like a really like fake like tan. It looks like too perfect to be natural. And the way she like dresses? Ugh. Don't even like get me started on like that. When she like first came, like, all my popularity like disappeared. But I like totally like got them to like come back to me. Like, without much threats! I only like threatened to post like embarrassing pictures of them on like Facebook and like some other like social like networks. The like geeks still like flocked like around her. But I like never really like cared about them. They're like not cool and they like ruin my reputation.



After spending like two hours on my like makeup, I got to like school, I like saw the dumb blonde like instantly. She was like wearing a like, ugly like orange shirt like with like a like black like pegasus. She was like wearing so like revealing like jeans. And she like was wearing like a bead like necklace. And like worn like black converse. I like went up to like her and like tried to like snap the necklace, but like my nail snapped. "Like, ow!" I like screamed. "Why did you like hit me?!" I screamed like, again, trying to like get Annie in trouble. "You tried to break a family heirloom and broke your nail. I don't see any hand print." She like stated sourly. Like she like tried to like eat a like lemon. I like huffed and like slapped her before like walking away.



Ugh. She's like so like dumb! She like got like all honours classes. They're like, for like, dumb people! Including the nerds! I like know what I'll have to like do! I'll like embarrass her like in front of the whole like school. I'll make her like eat a French Pie. You like thought I like was going to like tell you my like plan didn't you? Like hahahaha. No.



Everyone was like sat in the like cafeteria. Everyone. Even like Bitchabeth like Chase. I didn't like notice a like shadow of like a person sitting like next to like Bitchabeth. I like stood up on my like table, which like was like in the middle of the like cafeteria. "Attention like everyone! You like think you know like Annabeth Chase but you like don't! She is like a slut and she's like the dumbest person ever! Did you know she like hasn't got a like mother? She like probably left because her daughter is like a monster." I announced like before my like table fell down, me with it. A like super like hot guy had a hold on my like wrist. "Hello hot stuff." I like purred. "You dare speak about my girlfriend like that?" He like yelled. He's like so like hot when he's like ma- wait girlfriend?!



"Girlfriend? You like date that like trash bag?!" [*strangles*] I like said like to like him. "She is not a trash bag. She is the prettiest girl in the world. If she went against Aphrodite in a beauty contest, she would win. And her mum isn't a nobody. Neither is she. Her mother could buy out you and your wittle perfwect fwamily and there wouldn't even be a dent in her bank account. And she isn't even dumb, considering she's the CEO, founder and head Architect of the Athenian Architecture Firm. And she's not a slut. She never wears dresses unless my mother deems it necessary." He let go of my wrist and pushed me into my table before grabbing Bitchabeth's hand, kissing her and walking off, a fire in his eyes, Bitchabeth was walking with him, whispering things into his ear. One of the like minions in my like gang like cooed and I like glared at her. "Like get away from like me. Like you don't like belong here like anymore." she walked off like with her head like high, following the like two, probably like begging for like forgiveness.



And done!

Name: Lizzie Knight
Age: 17
Hair: Butt-length, straight brown
Eyes: Crystal blue
Clothes: crop-tops, mini-skirts, heels etc.
Personality: Slutty, stuck up, bossy, stupid
Meeting: Percy
How? Bullies Annabeth and Percy gets over-protective.
Will readers like or dislike: Dislike


How did you like that one? Good? Bad?


I'm done for today. Bye!



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