#2- Meeting Piper

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This is gonna be super short... :/


I'm Abigail Sanders, the hottest girl at my school, Ravenwood High, I'm the head of the Cheerleading Team and I have every guy wrapped around my finger. Well, almost every guy. There is this one guy I want, Jason Grace, the hottest guy in school. Each time I walk past him, I flutter my eyelashes at him and he looks straight at me, that helps me know that he wants me, now, I'm just waiting for him to ask me out. Who wouldn't want me? I have a curvy body, a tan, waist length blonde hair and stunning baby blue eyes. I was planning to get him to ask me out today, but if he doesn't ask me out, then I'll invite him to my mother's party with models and higher up people, I heard that Jason's mother was Beryl (there, you happy now? She was a minor character, people get names wrong!) Grace, a singer who suddenly began drinking and quit her singing career with no warning, she died around 12 years ago, he also has an older sister named Thalia and his cousin (probably on his dad's side) was part of a national manhunt around 5 years ago. Yes, I do my research. Sometimes. When it comes to hot guys, at least.



I strutted in to my school and some of the guys drooled at me, I was wearing a black crop top and a white lace skirt, I wore 6 inch black heels and my hair was straightened. Jason wasn't even looking at me and he was talking to his 'friends'. I think he just hangs with them so they can make his hotness bigger. (A/N /)_•/) you eejit!) I pursed my lips that had red lipstick on them and I fluttered my eyelashes as I passed him, he raised an eyebrow at me "Hey baby, you wanna come over to mine for a good time?" I winked seductively, he looked awkward "Uh, no. I have a girlfriend and I'm going out with her tonight." I pursed my lips "Why don't you dump her? I'm higher up in the world, my Mother is Miss Universe and my Father is the richest guy in New York." He smirked as if it were a funny joke "Hm, it's actually funny, Piper's father is Tristan McLean. Don't believe me? Oh well." He shrugged.






I found out that in gym we are doing sword fighting. Ew. Our coach, Coach Hedge announced that some of his best students are coming to teach. They're probably, like, really geeky and ugly boys. Then, a group of 8 people walk in, half are girls and half are boys and they are really hot! "These people are Cupcake, Cupcake, Cupcake, Cupcake, Cupcake, Cupcake, Cupcake and Cupcake. Come up, Cupcake!" He yelled "Or else you DIE!" The people he called 'Cupcake' laughed as if it was a joke. "I'm Percy. This is my girlfriend Annabeth, Piper, Thalia, Nico, Frank, Hazel and Leo. Now, Jason, get up here. I think that's what he was trying to say." Jason laughed "But Jason, baby, don't go up there, you belong down here with me!" Jason glared at me, "Pipes, come here please." He begged, then the Cherokee girl with choppy brown hair and changing colour eyes walked over to us, where Jason... Kissed her? "Jasie-poo? Why are you kissing her? I know you love me!" He sighed "No, he doesn't." The girl, Piper stated "Then why does he stare at me every time I pass him?" I asked, Piper stared at MY Jasie-poo. He shrugged "I thought she had a twitching disorder in her eyes, I guess it was just that she was trying to flirt with me." Piper laughed "Oh, is it true that your dad is THE Tristan McLean?" I asked, searching for gossip, she squirmed "Yeah." Most of the girls screamed "Schist. Coach, can we start?" Hazel asked "HOW ARE YOU NOT SCREAMING?!" All of my friends screamed "We've known her for years!" I think I'm about to faint, but, do my eyes really twitch?






That was soooooo short :( but, it's done. That's all that matters!







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