Calm before storm

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 After our picnic reached an end Marie fell asleep as exhaustion kept up with her. I carried her back to Mr. Braun's shop which is their home as well. 

*Bell rings*

The door was opened by Ms Seraphina, who was wearing a scary smile, yup a very scary smile.

"Hiro kun~"

", I said not to spoil her too much right? but what is the time now"

"Ahem um ahh Ms Sera-" I struggled to come up with a reason Ms Sera can be very scary when she is angry. 

"Fine, we can leave it at that, since it's already late come dine with us."

" No, I will be fine"

"You will ~"

"Y-Yes mam" 

'Women are really scary'

I went in and sat with Mr.Braun and Ms. Sera, Marie was carried to her bedroom. And we began eating our dinner.

"So Hiro-kun how is your project coming along?" Ms Sera inquired.

" It's going well, the prototype has been successfully deployed without any problems now the only real thing is pending. As soon as I can obtain materials I can proceed with the next stage"

" What was your project again? Sorry, I forgot" This time it was Mr.Braun's turn.

'Of course, you forgot cause you are a scatterbrain who even forgot where you keep products in your own store'

" It is called "Fast Sudden event detection and response system based on  LLM architecture. In layman's terms, we use large no of drones to observe the city and collect the data and then feed it model to train it to respond in sudden events like natural disasters, accidents etc."

We talked about my project and our daily lives a bit.

"Ah, time passed so fast. It's time for me to go. Good night Mr.Braun, Ms.Sera"

"Be careful on your way back, and take care of yourself, you look tired"

"And Hiro don't forget to visit ME I will make sure to get your components as fast as possible"

"Thank you, Mr.Braun and Ms.Sera Have a great day" With that I left the room."

"Darling, you could have asked him to stay here tonight. I don't think he is looking after himself well, those dark circles under his eyes say a lot."

"Let's take it one step at a time Sera. Even if you ask him he wouldn't want to bother us. But this much is itself a great improvement when we saw him the first time his eyes looked like a dead fish but now at least they look like a human"


Hiro managed to get money by hacking the university' server.

"With this money, I should have enough to spare after meals and stuff. Time to buy some equipment that will help me survive the 3rd Houkai outbreak. As of the moment, I don't know the exact date of the outbreak. I need to be aware of that. Then the best choice would be...a drone to monitor the city!"

Now searching for Electronics stores I've found one with pretty good quality goods and reputation, Marie Electronics huh... I visited the shop during the evening.

*Bell rings*

"Welcome- " a black-haired middle-aged man with huge stature welcomed.

"Huge," at first glance people would be terrified of him but he is surprisingly tame.

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