Price to pay

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Arhh, my body feels heavy. I remember dealing with those thugs who tried to break into Mei's home and after that, I was going back home until suddenly everything went blank and I lost consciousness.

I opened my eyes and saw a white ceiling above my head.

"Huh, this isn't my ceiling where am I?" I quickly checked my surroundings to find nothing that could help me identify where I was.

Argh My head hurts

"Shit, for how long I was out? I need to check on Mei's and Kiana's situation. Where's my phone?"

*Creak* the door was opened and a little girl with white hair entered the room through it. It was Marie.

"Big brother you are awake!"

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"Big brother you are awake!"

"MOM, DAD, BIG BROTHER IS AWAKE!!" Marie shouted alerting Mr. Braun and Ms.Sera.

"HUshh, silent Marie, please be quiet" Both of them rushed in before I could calm down Marie.

"Brat! You are awake. What in the -"

*Bam* A striking punch landed on Mr. Braun's head leading him to fall to ground.

"Calm down dear, you are scaring Hiro-kun." 

'Just how strong was that punch to make a grown man fall to ground. Scary, women in this world are really scary'

"Hiro -kun how are you feeling right now? Are you feeling unwell anywhere?"

" I am feeling ok right now." I should hurry up to the lab, with the fall of ME Mei could awaken as a herrscher  any moment.

" Then I will bring soup, wash yourself in the meantime."

"No, I will take my leave. It's already pretty late for academy. Thankyou and sorry for the inconvenience I've caused." I've thanked them and was prepared to leave

"Where are you going Hiro-kun~" Sera san asked with a smile on her face.


"You are staying here today, it's already afternoon the academy will close by evening anyway so you don't have much to do even if you go there.~"


"You're staying here until you feel better got it ?" Sera san said with dreadful smile.

'Scary!' Seeing no choice I decided to stay for the time being. I couldn't refute them in a harsh as they are my saviors.

"Yes mam."

"Then dear, you can talk to him while I prepare the meal.~" she left to prepare the meals

" Listen brat, she is really scary when she is angry so don't decline when she asks you to do something, ok?"

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