Battle of Survival- Nagazora

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After most of the citizens were evacuated the outbreak finally happened but there were still few survivors left in Nagazora. Raiden Mei, Kiana Kaslana, Bronya Zaychik, Hiro Oozora and a little girl.

Hiro pov

Arghh, the outbreak nearly collapsed this building luckily it didn't collapse. When I woke up I was almost buried in rubble, thx to the half-completed armour I was wearing moments before outbreak I was saved from dying by this collapsing debris and Honkai radiation.

"Raphaël! What is the condition of my body?"

" You barely made it master, several bruises and tissues damage in legs. Trace amounts of foreign energy is being detected in the damaged areas."

"Even with the suit the Honkai radiation still managed to seep into my body huh"

"Terminal, run a scan on the whole city, I want to know who are still in this city and where are they"

"Confirmed...Scan complete"

Terminal showed the feed through multiple holographic screens. It showed Raiden Mei on roof top of Chiba high in her herrscher form, Bronya Zaychik hiding and checking the surrounding conditions,  Kiana Kaslana is at some distance from Mei's location 

"Huh wait! Kiana... looks like she's hurt. This didn't happen in the manga"

*SLAP* Calm down Hiro, this isn't a game anymore. This is reality." I regained my composure.  And the final screen showed the image of a little girl wandering through the streets

"Huh! Marie? What's she doing here? Wasn't she supposed to leave with Sera-san and Braun-san. Terminal !!!"

"According to analysis it is possible that she was struck in the home and the explosion collapsed the building. Individuals, Seraphina and Braun were forcefully evacuated by scarecrows and fellow people."

"Alert, Master there is a Honkai energy signature approaching the individual Marie"

"!!! Terminal, use Scarecrow's to distract them". I began  to run to Marie's location.

" Damn it.! Please be safe" I soon reached the location.

Raphael: "Alert, master dodge quick!"

*Swoosh* A cavalier launched an attack from behind I was barely able to dodge.

"Fuck me!" 

Raphael : "It would be my pleasure but let's save it for the night~"


"Master hand over Achilles D9 to me, I will distract it."

" I'm counting on you Raphael" I left achilles D9 to Raphael. Although it might look like  bug from cavalier's perspective but it's fine as long I can get away from it.

Loud cries can be heard from Marie's direction. " MOM...DAD Where are you? sob" Marie began to cry.

"Stop it Marie. You will only attract more beasts." I finally reached her. I calmed Marie by patting her head.

"Big brother"

"Big brother"

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