The Fall of the Raiden Legacy

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A few days back ME Corp is said to have committed a massive fraud and has been shut down and Raiden Ryoma, ME owner, went into hiding. Once glorious corporation was now in shambles. Mei who was once the heiress of a tech giant, a model student and an idol to be adorned is now reduced to and labelled as the daughter of a criminal. 

Mei's world crumbled around her, the walls of privilege and prestige crumbling like ancient ruins. In the hallowed halls of Chiba Academy, whispers of scandal and betrayal replaced the once-adoring murmurs that had followed Mei's every move.

"Hey isn't she that criminal's daughter?"

"She used to flaunt her wealth now see how silent she is?"

"She deserved it.".  

As Mei entered the class even the teachers who once praised her as a diligent and good student now gave her scornful looks and ostracized her, their whispers could be clearly heard

"Academy is a sacred place to study not for criminals to roam"

Each word pierced Mei's heart like an arrow, her heart bled, making her think " Is this the world that she was always surrounded by? The friendship and adulation that she has were only reserved for her family fortune and prestige, and those disappeared when her father ran away.

The monsters in human disguise did not stop at that, they marked off her seating bench and ostracized wherever she went.

It was hell.

Mei's heart sank in grief, she no longer had any trust in so-called friends and she decided to never trust such words again, to fall into this abyss until she heard 2 familiar voices that she was not expecting to hear

""Mei-senpai"" It was Kiana and Hiro. She did not expect that someone would be by her side. It filled her with warm feeling, the thing that she was desperate in need of but could not believe it.

Kiana and Hiro took Mei out of the room to the rooftop.

"Hiro-kun and Kiana-chan aren't you aware of the rumors?"

"About ME corp? We are aware." Hiro replied which only led to more confusion in Mei

"Then why? why are you still kind to me? I have nothing to offer. I am just a criminal's daughter now" 

"I am disappointed in you senpai" Kiana spoke up stirring Mei. "Did you think we approached you for your money or fame? We don't need such things and whether you are rich or poor you are still our Mei senpai" Kiana shattered Mei's fears and doubts all away.

Hiro: "She is correct senpai, those things don't matter to us. Friends are friends no matter which stage of life you are in they treat you the same. To us, you are our Mei-senpai and we don't care what others think about you." 

At that moment she remembered a conversation she previously had with a butler/ chauffeur

"A friend is someone who stays by your side for not what you have but for what you are. It doesn't matter whether you are rich or poor for them you are the same no matter and they will treat you no differently in the ups and downs of life."

Tears rolled down her cheeks Mei broke down and cried into Kiana's arms. I left the scene leaving the 2 girls to let their hearts out.

Mei calmed down after crying her heart out. She thanked Hiro and Kiana for staying by her side. We did not go to classes that day anymore and stuck to Mei to prevent any harm to Mei, although it was Kiana's idea she dragged me into it as well. She protested and even resorted to violence when someone dared to touch Mei. The light started to fail as evening approached. Kiana and me escorted Mei to her home. we were about to go to our homes but I couldn't help but feel something weird was going on.

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