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(Ahh I'm quite new to the fandom so apologies if I get anything wrong)

"Oh Ren! We look ridiculous!"

Grian laughed as the two revealed themselves to eachother, both suited with the perfect disguise: floral button ups and fake moustaches.

"The price we have to pay to get our gizmos back..."

Ren sighed as he glanced over to his RV, at where his reactor used to be. Renbob, the ultimate hippie, who used to soar the skies in his RV, was now grounded, all because those stupid 'Area 77' dudes had stolen his reactor.

"Hey guys! Oh wow! Those are some... questionable outfits."

The two turned around to find Impulse waving behind them.

"Oh hi Impulse! We're about to go and infiltrate area 77, wanna come?"

Before he could even reply, Grian was already throwing clothes and masks at Impulse, and he went off to change.


The three had made to the small stand just outside the base, where False was waiting. Her blonde hair flowed in the wind, twirling it around her finger as she knelt her elbow on the table, chin rested in her hand. Her job wasn't exactly the best, you see.

"Hello? We're here for a tour of area 77."

Grian faked the best accent he could, miserably failing. False eyed the trio up and down in disbelief, but decided to play along nevertheless.

"Alright, that'll be 50 diamonds each!"

She held out her hand as the three were startled and left a bumbling mess.

"Oh! I left my wallet at home!"

"But.. don't you keep your diamonds in an ender che- OW!"

"What do you mean? I left my wallet at home, final."

"Alright... but don't kick me again! Ren, can you pay..?"

"Sorry my dude, I left mine back at camp too."

Defeated, Impulse reached into his pocket and got out 150 diamonds, head hanging as he handed them over to False, who was silently grinning inside.

"Alrighty! Let's get started shall we? So this is the main entrance..."

Not long had passed before they reached the hangars, one of which had Ren's reactor suspended over their heads. As if they could read eachothers' minds, they nodded at one another and Impulse and Grian ran ahead to ask False about god knows what. In the meantime, Ren was slowly climbing up to the reactor to retrieve it. All was going well until Doc appeared, running out another hangar before reprimanding False.

"False! What are you doing?! The reactor!"

Instantly, she whipped around, shoved the two to the ground and began running with Doc to a very scared Ren, who had just gotten the reactor.

"Guys??? A little help here?"

He gestured towards False and Doc, who were currently towering up to Ren. Grian and Impulse took initiative, both getting out their bows and aiming for the maniacs either side of Ren. Impulse got the shot, hitting False. Grian, however, wasn't so lucky. His arrow skimmed just past Doc and landed on some sort of device on one of the shelves in the hangar.

"Wow. Great shot, Ren is perfectly safe now!"

"That one was just unlucky, watch, I'll show yo-"

Grian was cut off when everything went silent. A massive energy surge of some sort had hit all of hermitcraft, originating from the small gizmo Grian had accidentally shot. Time seemed to have slowed down, and everyone fell.


Once everything returned to normal, Impulse and Grian shot up and ran to Ren, as if nothing had even happened. False and Doc were still recovering from the shock, so they didn't see the three rush off.

"Woah, what just happened?"

Ren gestured at Doc, who was now on the floor, even though Grian had missed the shot. He got up, still clutching his beloved reactor.

"Not sure, but we should get out of here."

Impulse nodded in agreement, but followed on.

"We should take the Nether back."

"Why? Our camp really isnt that far!"

"Because, if we fly, we'll get caught! But if we take the Nether they'll never suspect a thing!"

"He's got a point, Grian."

"Alright then... their portal is over there, let's go."


<Docm77> Scar, area 77. Now
<GTWS> What's up?
<Docm77> ...
<Docm77> Hippies
<GTWS> Omw

Just a moment earlier Scar had been knocked out the air from the surge into the nearby forest. With no sense of direction, and a torn elytra, he simply walked in a straight line until, by sheer luck, he ended up at area 77. However, the first thing he saw was not Doc and False standing inside the hangar, but he appeared behind it, and caught a glimpse of the hippies entering the portal, and he soon followed.

<Docm77> Scar?
<Docm77> Where ru
<Docm77> It doesn't take that long to fly here
<Docm77> About 5 mins max
<Docm77> Scarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
<MumboJumbo> Probably went to join the hippies if I'm gonna be real w/ you mate
<Docm77> Stfu
<stressmonster101> Doc!!!
Docm77 was blown up by Creeper
FalseSymmetry was blown up by Creeper
<MumboJumbo> :0
<stressmonster101> Haha
<Docm77> ...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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