Chapter 1 - New Kid

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⚠️ (Swearing)

8:30am, December 1st

It was a normal school day like non other, the first day of December. Soon it would be winter, my favorite season. A time where everyone stays inside, a time I can go out and not be annoyed by passerbyers, a time I can be myself, alone.

I don't have any friends, not like I really need them anyways. I've never had friends, the closest I've gotten to that were people using me for help on homework. I have always been known as the smart kid, the teacher's pet, it's damn annoying. People always beg me for help, why can't they just leave me the fuck alone?


I can't wait for it to start snowing, I can finally go sledding.


It was the teacher, shit. I wasn't paying attention.


"Pay attention, please. I was asking you a question."

"What is it?"

"What's the answer to the question on the board?"

"Easy, 69."


The class snickered, such immature fools, I can't stand them.



The bell rang, time for 2nd hour, great.. art class. I enjoy art, I just hate the damn teacher, they're boring as hell.

Once I got into class, I sat down in my 'Assigned' seat. It wasn't really assigned, I just sit in it everyday it might as well be. Nobody sat around me, no one to bother me.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today. Please come in and introduce yourself."

A boy with purple, unevenly cut hair, blue-green eyes, a see through purple eyepatch walked into the classroom. Everybody started whispering to each other about how weird he looked. Though, I was kind of intrigued by this new boy, so I listened to what he had to say.

"Ciao! I'm Melone. I hope all of us can get along."

"Welcome, Melone. Take a seat at the middle table where Ghiaccio is sitting."

I raised my hand so he'd know where to go, even though there's only one middle table.

The boy sat down across from me, putting his laptop covered in stickers next to him on the table. He was staring at me.

"So, you're Ghiaccio, vero?"

"Yep, that's me." Small talk? Ugh.


Honestly, I was tired, I didn't want to engage in conversation right now, but I guess I have to be polite since he's the new kid.

"What are your hobbies? What do you like to do?"

"Math, art, music, and ice skating." I wish he'd just leave me alone, come on it's too early for this, and I skipped my morning coffee, ugh.

"Oh! Cool! What kind of music do you listen to?" His eyes widened slightly, leaning over the table a little.

I sighed heavily and put down the pencil I was drawing with. I looked up at him, looking into his blue-green eyes, they reminded me of the Bahamas.

"Talking Heads, The Beatles, classic rock basically, but I also like other genres."

"Really? That's cool, one of my favorite bands is actually Talking Heads, my top fav though has got to be Babyface."

"Oh really?" He's interesting, I'm intrigued to learn more. "Do you like Pink Floyd by any chance?"

"Yes! They're di molto bene! I recently watched The Wall."

Oh hell yeah, I like this guy already.

"Seriously? What'd you think of it?"

"I was pretty confused on what was going on and everything since it's made up of visuals and music but I figured out what happened and what the story was about at the end. It's a very fascinating movie, the animations were really well done too."

"Yeah, they are. The Wall's my favorite film, it's a cinematic masterpiece."

This dude's taste in music is awesome. His name was Melone right? Isn't that Italian for Melon? Well, my name's not any better so I shouldn't be complaining.

"Melone, right? Do you wanna be friends?"

The purple haired boy sitting across from me looked surprised, but didn't hesitate to respond.

"Amici? Sì! Mi piacerebbe!"

He looked really happy.

After that we really hit it off. I ended up ranting about different bands for a while but he didn't seem to mind. I had never gone on a rant about something I liked in front of others before. This was a first, why was this? What made me feel comfortable to do so? Was it Melone? I just met him, this is strange..

I'm really curious about this guy, maybe I should ask if he wants to hang out after school?

Yeah, maybe the Library? Or is that too boring? I'm not good at these things.



Ghiaccio - Ice

Ciao - Hello

Vero? - Right?

Di molto bene - Very good

Amici? Sì! Mi piacerebbe! - Friends? Yes! I'd love that!

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