Chapter 2 - Friends

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⚠️ (Swearing)

I've never had friends before, do I just ask him? I guess..

"Um, I'm not busy after school, wanna maybe go to the library or do something downtown?"

"Oh, sure. I don't think I'm busy either."


We sat in silence. I stared down at my paper, my mind filled with questions. This guy.. I had never cared about the new students until now, what made him different? I mean, his hair and outfit were weird but other than that he was like everyone else, what about him caught my attention?



The bell made its final toll of the day, time for school to end. Melone and I shared a lot of classes together. Finally, I wasn't alone all day.

"Ready to head to the library?"


As we walked down to the library on campus, I overheard some girls talking..

"Have you heard about the new kid? I heard he's like, crazy strong!"

"Really?! I wonder if he's hot.."

"He is! I had him in my 4th hour! I bet he gets all the girls."

I sighed, "God, he's only been here one day... y'all need to chill out. I mean, he does have some muscle, and his looks aren't that bad." I thought as I glanced over at Melone who was walking beside me.

Wait.. what the fuck am I thinking? The hell? I just met him, I'm not even gay. He's just got a body women would fall for, that's it.

A couple minutes passed and we arrived at the library. I opened the door and allowed Melone to enter first. I noticed he wasn't much taller than me, maybe by just a couple inches. I walked in after him and we headed to the section where we could play games.

"What do ya wanna play?" Melone asked as he scanned the shelf that games were kept on.

"Uh, I don't know, I don't play games often. You can choose."

"Hmm... Doom?" He said, taking the box off the shelf and showing it to me.

"I think I've heard of it, sure."

It couldn't be that hard, right? Wrong.

"Gahh! Where do they keep coming from?!? I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF I DIE ONE MORE TIME."

God damnit this stupid fucking game, I swear.

"You have died."


I threw the controller, it hit the TV but didn't harm it, thankfully. I was enraged, how do people even play this?!?


Melone started chucking, then burst out in laughter.


He continued to laugh, was this funny to him?

"Hahh.. All you had to do was hold down R, it's not that hard." He said, laughing a little still.


"Y'know.." Melone said, chuckling between words, "I like you. I never knew a quiet guy such as yourself could be so loud and angry."

I froze.

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