Chapter 8 - Dreams Have Meanings

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⚠️ (Suggestive Topics/Swearing)

December 23 11:09am

Christmas Eve is tomorrow, the day I'm planning on confessing to Melone.

I laid on the couch, my Titanic Rising Album was spinning on the turntable. I stared up at the ceiling as my thoughts drifted off to Melone, his hair, his eyes, his lips, his body, his voice, everything about him was just... breathtaking. But that one question still lingered in my mind, why? Why had I fallen for him in the first place? Why did I choose to talk to him that first day?

He's weird, gross, and he pisses me off all the time. Yet, I still love him.

Every time he flirts with someone else, or when he gets surrounded by girls, I get jealous. I want him to be mine, all mine, and only mine.

Sometimes I imagine scenarios we could be in together: in a bathroom stall together, up on the rooftop, etc. I hated having these thoughts but I couldn't control them, neither was I going to deny I wanted them to happen.

God, his normal voice was already enough to make me flustered, I can't imagine what it's like in bed..

The things I wanted to do with him, I can barely stand it anymore, I just want to confess already. But I shouldn't, I have to wait until tomorrow. Timing and place is very important to me, and I don't want it to be awkward. I feel if I were to just randomly confess when he comes over sometime would be really awkward, especially if he declined.

I don't even know what I'd do if he were to decline. And I don't want to even imagine it.


"Oh right, I should probably find my ice skates." I said as I realized I needed them for tomorrow. I rushed to my room and dug through my closet for a minute until I found them. My pair of red ice skates, they were old, but usable and fit me still. Plus they were my favorite.

I set my skates on the chest at the end of my bed along with some clothes I chose for tomorrow. I'm so excited, not only will it be Christmas Eve but I was finally going to confess my love to Melone.

I laid down on my bed, just thinking about it made my heart warm. The thought of kissing him had me blushing, I wanted those lips against mine... forever. I was craving them. His taste... I want to taste him all over. He was doing things to me I never knew were possible, for someone like me at least.

I put on a record and closed my eyes once I laid back down in bed. "I'll just sleep to pass the time." I thought. Please just get the day over with. I'm growing impatient.


I woke up. The bed felt heavier. I sat up to see that purple haired boy sitting next to me, he had been watching me.. The room was dark, yet I could see him perfectly fine, even without my glasses.

"Oh, you're awake!"

"The fuck are you doing here?" I barked.

"What do you mean? I've been here. Do you not recall earlier?"

"What? The hell do you mean earlier?"

"We had so much fun~" Melone said as he moved closer, sitting on my lap. That was when I noticed... neither of us were wearing any clothes. My lower half was covered by a blanket but it still felt as if his warm skin was right against mine.

"What the fuck?!" He startled me but I couldn't do anything to fight him, the sight of his bare chest made me freeze. I couldn't help but stare as my gaze made its way lower. "Fuck I shouldn't be doing this." I realized what I was doing and quickly snapped my eyes back up to Melone's. I couldn't help but blush.

"Would you.. get the fuck off??"

"But why?~ I thought you liked it when I sat on your lap?" He said in a teasing, desireful tone as his fingers ran down the middle of my chest. I shivered at the touch, it was so pleasing, his voice made my heart race. He leaned in and kissed me passionately, the taste of his lips were enough to send me into pure bliss, I was on cloud 9. I closed my eyes as his tongue began to explore my mouth.

I was too "in the moment" to realize I was losing consciousness. It was too much for me to handle. This felt like a dream come true...


I woke up once again, but only to my empty this time. It was already the next day, Christmas Eve. I sat in my bed for a couple minutes trying to figure out what happened just hours ago. Then it hit me. Nothing Melone said earlier made any sense, I never said anything about him sitting on my lap, nor did I ever sleep with him. It was merely a dream. Was it okay to have dreams like that? What the hell...

I wonder if Melone had a dream similar to mine.. I hope not. What would he think? What if he thought I was weird? God this is making me nervous for later...

Maybe a walk will clear my mind and calm me down.

I got dressed into some warm clothes, grabbed my phone, glasses, and house keys then stepped outside. It was a bitter cold morning but there was a strange warmth to the air, a comforting kind of warmth. No chance of snow today either, good, I don't want my plans with Melone ruined.

I walked down my quiet neighborhood, I was the only one out. Looking at the snowy trees and scenery around me brought a smile to my face.


After about 30 minutes I headed back home. I was in a better mood than before, though that dream still bugged me slightly.

Once I closed and locked the door I took off my coat and shoes. I had nothing to do until Mel arrived so I chose a record, my favorite: White by The Beatles, and put it on the turntable to play. Then I grabbed a book and flopped down on the couch, reading for most of the day.

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