Chapter 3 - Stuck In My Mind

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⚠️ (Swearing)

Finally, after hours of trying, I finally fell asleep. But after what felt like not even a couple minutes I was awoken to the sound of my phone buzzing.

"What the fuck?" I said while grabbing my phone, squinting at it as I didn't have my glasses on.

I checked the time, 9:00am?! Shit. I looked down closer to the bottom of my screen to see 15 messages from Melone, who was the cause of my awakening.

Melone 🍉 

... ^

< Pookie.

< Where r u? 

< ☹️

<Why r u not in class?

< 😭 

< Plz respond.

< Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa

< grrr...


< 😡 



I'll explain when I get to school. >

Pookie? The fuck kind of name is that?

I rushed around to get dressed, not even making breakfast. Once I gathered everything, I went straight out the door, dashing down the street.

"God what the fuck?! This is all your fault, Melone!!" I yelled as I ran down the street, I had a scarf around my neck decorated with snowflakes, it was flying behind me as I rushed to school. My red sneakers were as bright as always, they didn't really go with my outfit but I liked them, and I didn't want to buy a new pair of shoes anyways, I have better things to use my money on, like records.

A couple minutes later I arrived in my second hour class, art. Everybody turned to look in my direction.

"Why are you later Mr. Bianchi?" The teacher asked, god I hated when they used my last name..

"I had trouble sleeping, ended up sleeping in, by accident of course."

The teacher sighed. "Just go sit down."

I walked to my table where Melone was. I sat down, about to tell Melone this was all his fault but then realized if I did, that would be weird and he might get the wrong idea, so I didn't.

"So, explain to me why you're late."

I didn't answer right away, thinking of a good excuse.

"I stayed up late, uh, practicing my guitar. I didn't realize the time until it was already 1am, yeah. So I accidentally slept in.."

Yeah right, who would practice guitar that long? Not me.

"Yeah, okayy.." He seemed to be suspicious of me.

"So explain to me why you kept calling me "Pookie?" What's up with that, huh?" I gave him a concerned look, raising my eyebrow as I pushed up my glasses on my nose.

"Oh that's just what I call my friends." He smiled.

I was relieved but also disappointed, yet I didn't know exactly why.

"Weird, but okay.."

The purple haired boy smiled widely, looking directly at me. I couldn't help but look into his turquoise eyes, I got lost in them. They were magnificent, I've seen nothing like these before, you could get yourself lost in them.

"You good?"

"Ah-.. Yeah, spaced out, sorry." I said, flustered. I looked away, down at the table in front of me.

This boy kept getting me distracted, why? It made me mad, not being able to find an answer to this question. I haven't even been able to do my art assignment, he's just.. too much? I can't even describe him, why was this happening? I needed answers, now.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I hadn't even realized Melone was talking to me.

"Ghiaccio?" He looked worried.

"... Huh?" Shit.

"Um.. I was asking if you wanted to go to Love Garden today."

My face began to get red from embarrassment, again.

"Oh, sure. Sorry, I'm just really tired today."

"Well, I'm not forcing you to."

"No, I'm fine really. I'd like to go, I've actually been looking for a couple records."


School went by slowly until 2:30pm crept along. I kept spacing out during classes, getting answers wrong, I just wasn't my usual self.

As I walked out of the school building, I saw that familiar purple hair amongst the crowd in front of me. As the kids walked past him, I could see there was a bunch of girls around him.

"You're so cool, Melone!" A girl shouted.

"Yeah! And so handsome!" Another girl screamed.

"I'm flattered, really, but I'm busy right now." I could hear Melone say as I walked over to them.

"Aww.. but."

"I'm not interested either, get away."

I got over to where he was sitting, one of the school benches, he was doing something on that computer covered in stickers.

"Oh, hey Ghiaccio~ How are you?~" his whole attitude changed when I showed up..

"Are these girls bothering you?" I said while looking straight at one.

"Ah, yes.."

I gave them a hard glare to get lost. They retreated.

"So~ wanna go to Love Garden now??" Melone said. He was acting.. different, to say the least.

"Uh, yeah."

"Okay!" He said, quickly getting up, closing his laptop and putting it in his bag. He then stood right next to me as we started walking.

After a couple of minutes, out of the blue, he just started.. complimenting me??????

"Y'know, those glasses make you look very intimidating.. It's hot. I'm surprised you don't have a girlfriend, or even a boyfriend." He said, almost proudly. Not nervous at all.

"Uh- what? Um... thanks??" I don't know how to respond to that, all I did was blush.

What kind of compliment was that? We met each other yesterday! Was he...¦ attempting to flirt with me? No! It couldn't be that.


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