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Ive been staying with fit for a few days now, and its been great. I can almost walk on my own

At first I needed a lot of support from fit. He'd need to help me just get from the couch into the guest bedroom. But now im getting better, only needing a little bit of help for long distances.

We were sitting on the couch, it was around 9pm, and we were watching his kid, ramõn, build one of his newest contraptions. That kid liked to build things. For a brief moment, I forgot about my leg, and went to stand up

"Im gonna go grab some water" I said

After I took the first step, my left knee buckled and I felt myself almost fall. In an instant fit was up and he put his arm around my waist to stable me

I got a fuzzy feeling in my stomach and felt my face start to get red.

"T-thanks fit" I stuttered

"I gotcha come on" fit said, his arm still firmly around my waist, holding me up

"You cant move so fast, youre still learning remember" fit said worriedly

I tried to breathe more to get my face to cool down, so hopefully fit wouldnt see me blushing

It didnt work, and fit looked over and worry creased into his forehead

Shit. I panicked. And tried to move quicker towards the kitchen

"Calma calma calma pac its ok. Why dont you sit down here and have some water" fit said

He brought me to one of the kitchen chairs and grabbed a glass of water.

"Obrigado" I said and drank the whole glass in 2 gulps. I breathed a bit and was able to calm down

"Its ok pac, I wouldn't let you fall" fit said "youre making good progress, but im still here to help"

"Thankyou fit, sorry I shouldnt move so quick"

"Its alright pac, why dont we get to bed" fit said with a smile

He stood up and held out his hand for me to take. I hesitated for a second and then I did, and he helped me get over to the guest room

"Goodnight pac"

"Thanks, goodnight fit" i said as he shut the door

I laid there awake a bit. It was a good thing that I had the near fall as a cover up for the way I acted there.

If I didnt, he might have realized that I had caught feelings for him.

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