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Me and fit emerged at spawn to find the rest of the resistance there. Forever explained the plan, as he knew the federation the best.
"We wont be going through the front, as theres too many people watching. Instead, we'll go through a back way. Its a bit of a maze, but thats our best shot to get in undetected"

"We should split into 2 groups" phil added "we shouldnt put all of our eggs into one basket"

"Youre right phil" forever said "the second group should follow behind after 10 minutes"

The resistance party started to split in half. It ended up that mike and the rest of the brazilians were in group one. Fit, phil, and I were in group 2, along with tubbo, bad, and a few others.

"Alright, phil, bring your group in in about 10 minutes" forever said

"Alright, i will" phil set a timer on his watch

With that forever turned and led group 1 into the maze. Mike waved as he followed, i shot him a smile and waved back

"So now we wait" fit said, leaning up against the wall.

I flexed my prosthetic leg. I walk almost perfectly now, but ive never run with it before. I get slightly nervous at the thought of running with it, but i shake that feeling off quickly.

Phils watch starts to beep. "Thats ten minutes everyone. Lets go"

We all get behind phil and head over to the maze. The passage ahead is dark, and the only light comes from the torch in phils hand. I shudder a bit at the cold, and feel a warm hand pat my shoulder

"We'll find them" i heard fit say quietly beside me

We headed inside. Using phil to guide us ahead. The maze was dark and seemed endless, the other group nowhere to be seen.

"There, at the end of the tunnel!" Tubbo said pointing as we rounded the corner. There was a faint light coming from a crack of a door

"Forever must have left that propped open for us" bad said

"Lets go!" Tubbo said, charging ahead

The group all started running towards the door. I started off with a bit of a jog first to test out my leg, and it felt alright, so i pushed it a little faster. Little did i notice the stone in front of my right leg. The metal smacked into the stone, and sent me fly foreward
"Ah!" OOMPH.

My body crumpled to the stone floor, sending a shock through my limbs. I squeezed my eyes shut, not having the energy to get back up from the shock.

I couldn't tell if it had been a few minutes or a few hours that I had been laying there when i heard just one set of footsteps approaching.

I opened my eyes slowly to see the outline of fit through the faint light of the slightly ajar door a few feet ahead.

"What happened Pac?!" He asked in a worried voice, it was the most worried I have ever heard him.

"My prosthetic got caught on the rock" I tried to push myself up. Fit quickly moved to grab my shoulders, his strong grip pulling me to my feet.

"We got into the next room tubbo kept running. I told phil I was coming to find you" he said

"Thanks for coming back" my left leg started to buckle again, and fit quickly reached for to steady me. My face started to blush, and i hoped the dark obscured it.

"Maybe we should head back" fit said, glancing down at my leg

"Its alright fit I can stand" i reassured him

He slowly took his hands away. And I went to take a step and the prosthetic slipped again, and i felt myself fall, fits grip was back again, catching me

"I really think we need to go back, pac"

"Ok fine" i said, frustration in my voice.

Fit put his arm around my waist to help keep me on my feet, and we slowly started to make our way back towards the entrance, my frustration keeping my other feelings to the back of my mind.

It felt like we were walking for hours, and then we rounded the next corner, seeing the night sky ahead.

"There we go almost there" fit said, helping me the rest of the way

Fit brought me outside the passage and then placed me on a close by rock.

He looked down at me, concern on his face

"Im sorry fit, I didnt want to be a burden" I said sharply, frustration lacing my tone

"Hey, hey" fit said softly "youre not a burden pac, its not your fault you fell"

"It is!" I yelled "I couldn't beat a single stone, how will I help rescue our kids!" I look at the ground, too angry with myself

Fit kneeled down in front of me, bringing his hand up turning my face towards him "pac, dont think like that. Its not your fault"

Our friendship has toed the line before, but we've never let ourselves go any farther. But something sparked between us, and my face softened a bit. Fit must've noticed, he glanced at his hand, and I realized how close we were. He opened his mouth and then closed it again, the gears in his head turning.

"Fit I-" I started, but couldn't finish the sentence

Fit shifted and move slightly closer, tracing my cheekbone with his thumb. His eyes darted from my eyes to my lips. If I dont say it now, I dont think I ever will. "Are you trying to kiss me fit"

"Ive wanted to kiss you for a long time" he said, his cheeks flushing a shade of pink but not breaking his gaze

"Same" i breathed, closing the gap

It was a soft kiss, My nerves disappeared as I melted into his touch. I brought my hands up around his neck as i felt his other hand move around my waist. His lips were soft, and it felt magical, I couldn't get enough of him.

He pulled away shortly, and then shot me a smile

"I like you, fit" i said

"I like you too Pac"

We then heard jumbled footsteps coming back through the tunnel and fit stood up to check who it was

As he got in front of it tubbo barreled into him, knocking him over

"There you two are, we wondered where you went" he said

"Is everyone ok" fit asked brushing himself off

"Yeah, everyones here and we're ok" tubbo said

"We found something" forever said "a note on cucuruchos desk"

"It was a report from a worker" phil said "and all it said was that the coordinates of the eggs are unknown"

My heart dropped in my chest a bit. The federation doesn't have them.

"So we're back to square one" fit said disappointed

"Well there was another thing" tubbo said "theres rumors in the federation of something.. big happening"

"Something big?" I asked intrigued

"In two weeks time"

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