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Meeting with fit last night raised my spirits, and I can keep going, as long as we can meet up at night.

Theres only one downside. I am exhausted. I get shaken awake by bad

"Pac lets go, come on"

I blink a few times, trying to focus on his face "im up im up". My vision is quite blurry from being so tired

We go through the day. My eyes keep getting heavier as the day goes on. We did quite a few quests, but i could only half pay attention.

We finally got to camp in the evening. It was like 6 pm, and I was meeting fit at midnight. I figured I might as well get a bit of sleep. I crawl into my tent and drift off


We get back to camp and I see pac crawl right into his tent. Weird, he looked very tired today, this isnt like him

We're all gathered right around the campfire, eating dinner. Everyone, except pac. Im sat next to tubbo

"Hey, has pac been acting strange today?" I whisper to him

"Yeah, hes never this tired" he replied

"Im going to keep an eye on him" i said


My watch beeped. I had it set to a low volume, so only I can hear it. That means its midnight, and fits waiting for me.

I crawl out of my tent as quietly as possible and start towards the forest.


I peer through a tiny crack in the zipper of my tent. I see pac slide out of his tent and head away from camp

Thats weird, its almost midnight. I need to find where he is going.

I grab a few essentials, and then i unzip my tent and head outside. I find pacs footprints in the mud and follow them.

Theyre going towards the forest. If im not mistaken, the forest is the passage between our base and greens. I need to find him before he does something stupid

I know he loves richarlyson, but I didnt think he would be that crazy as to attack another team in the middle of the night.

-time skip-

I keep following the trail, i got turned around a bit from the darkness, but i picked up his trail again.

The footprints are going straight, and suddenly they turn sharply to the right. Weird, I follow them and then I see him. No, them!

Pac was sitting against the tree, and next to him was fit? They were asleep on each others shoulders

This would be a great time to ambush fit, but I dont want to alarm pac.

I watch there for a few minutes. They seem close, a little too close to be just friends.

I mean, why else would you meet up with someone in the middle of the night if you didnt love them.

This is good intel, a secret relationship in purgatory. Could be a good in to green.

I walk away as quietly as possible, but then a twig snaps under my foot, and i scatter quickly, praying they didnt notice.


I hear a snapping noise in the distance, startling me awake. I pick my head off of fits shoulder. We must've fallen asleep. I look at my watch, we've been asleep about an hour and a half.

"Fitch" i whisper, shaking him a bit "we fell asleep"

He picks his head up and looks at me. His features were highlighted in the moonlight. "How are we going to get through this" he asked

"With each other" i said "just two weeks, then we'll be back home"

"With you, i can do anything" fit said softly

"I need sleep fit, but I really want to stay" i said, laying my head back on his shoulder

"Here, lets head back early tonight, and then tomorrow we'll be more awake, alright?"

"Alright fit" i said, I leant over and gave him a quick kiss, and then started back to camp

I missed his warmth immediately, but the need for sleep was pulling me towards camp.

I got there, and it was still early enough that the sun wasn't peeking over the horizon yet.

I quietly headed towards my tent. I was just about to head into it when

"Pac" i heard a whisper behind me

I froze, trying to figure out who the voice was

"Pac" i heard again. I slowly turned around, and saw bad, sitting in his tent with it open. "Youre up early" he said

"I- uh yeah" i said, stumbling for an exuse.

"I know what youre up to pac"

"You do?!" I asked, suddenly very concerned.

"I know that you met fit, and that you guys are more than friends"

I panicked a bit, feeling my palms start to sweat "how?!" Was all i managed to ask

"Relax pac, I just followed your footprints and found your meeting spot" he explained calmly. "I wont tell anyone if you dont want me to"

I took a few deep breaths to calm down. "Thankyou" i said taking a sip of water.

"How long has this been going on for" he asked "you two have lived together for a while"

"Since we broke into the federation" i answered honestly

"Why hide it" he asked

"We dont want to split morning crew" i said

He looked confused "so you hide your relationship for a trio?"

"Yes" i said, tiredness growing over me "i need sleep"

"Ok, but you gotta be up in a few hours" he said

"Alright" i said, crawling into my tent and falling asleep almost instantly.

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