Found them!

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We searched for what felt like hours, although according to my watch, it had only been an hour and a half. It was getting cold as it got darker, and I could feel fit start to get more anxious as time went on

We made our way towards the adoption center. It was basically the only place we havent already checked

"Ramon" Fit called out in a shaky voice. Partly from worry, and partly from his voice being hoarse from calling so much.

We heard shuffling from above us. We looked at each other, startled. The sound was coming from the attic we found tallulah in. I glanced to the ladder and back at fit. He nodded and we ascended the ladder, as quietly as possible to not spook whatever was above us.

"Ramon" came fits loving tone, sounding very relieved. I got up there a second after, to see fit had pulled his son into a tight hug

"Ramon im so sorry" he said, a sorrowful tone of his voice "im so sorry ramon"

It was good to see fit had gotten ramon back. I had come to care about ramon a lot as well, so I was also very relieved.

I glanced to the right to see richas huddled in the corner, the darkness of the musty attic obscured him. "Richas?"

"Pai?" He asked "how did you find us?"

"We've been looking everywhere, you were supposed to stay with phil" I scolded him, but the loving tone in my voice made it hard to stay serious.

He ran the small space between us and jumped into my arms "im sorry pai" he apologized innocently

"Its ok richas" I soothed, hugging him tightly

"Im so sorry ramon" I heard fit repeat, not loosening his grip on his son

"Its ok dad" The small boy replied "I shouldnt have said that dad"

"Its ok ramon" he said "everything is ok now that I have you back"

I watched as they separated from the hug, and fit studied his son "dont ever do that again please I was so worried ramon" he rattled off, pulling his son back into a hug.

I got up with richas, and touched fit on his shoulder "we should get home fit" I pulled out my warpstone

He nodded, not taking his eyes off of ramon "yeah, youre right"

I took his hand in mine, making sure i had a tight grip on richas. Fit clung onto ramon as I teleported us back to fits place.

We took the kids inside, the relief was amazing, now that our kids were back safe. We put them in their beds, and then headed there ourselves

"Goodnight fit" I said, wrapping my arms around him

"Goodnight pac"

They Were Roommates (Hideduo)Where stories live. Discover now