Chapter 2 - Cold nights under the trees -

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Central Square had grown more crowded since Sparky and Space first arrived. Navigating the packed square was now more difficult, although, by some miracle, the three boys stayed together without losing track of one another.

Sparky and Space stood by a game stall, watching with interest as Flame aimed toward a moving target, his lips pressed together as he gripped the gun. He exhaled, knuckles white from how tight his fingers wrapped around the grip.

The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as he squeezed the trigger, the sound of a gunshot echoing through the air as the last bullet hit the target dead-center.


Flame haughtily laughed as his companions and a few bystanders clapped in congratulations. Even the stall person slowly clapped for him, although their tired yawn betrayed their "enthusiasm" as they reset the game for the next player, muttering for the small crowd that formed around the stall to "go away."

Flame inspected the prize options that sat on the open shelves. The game required one to accumulate a certain number of points before they're eligible to select three prizes, each from a different category.
After much consideration, Flame settled on a miniature knife key chain and a switchblade with a polished handle as his first and second prizes. However, his last choice was unexpected for someone like him.

It was a foot-tall porcelain rabbit doll dressed in a pink summer dress with frills underneath. It appeared in motion as if a gentle breeze was blowing its dress, which only stressed the doll's dainty nature.

"Seems like this game is one of the few activities where you'd get a perfect score." Space jabbed as he slowly applauded, his tone just dripping with sarcasm.

Flame beamed, holding the delicate doll close as he puffed out his chest and took the borderline insult like a compliment.

"That's 'cause this shit is easy! Nothing like the crap we gotta do every fucking day in that child prison!"
A blank stare from Space was all Flame got in response. Sparky was too busy devouring a plate of teal-colored jelly to muster one of his own, a pleased expression plastered on his face as he remained engrossed in the sweet treat held by his paws.

Flame clicked his tongue, an irritated look forming as he rolled his eyes and groaned. Then the doll slipped from his grasp, and he readjusted his paws to stabilize it. One paw slipped under its feet, and the other curled around its body, pulling it into a secure embrace.

"I've gotta get this thing back to my seat, 'cause at this rate, my ass is gonna drop it." Flame turned around and hurried away, disappearing into the horde of festivalgoers before Space could reply to the ginger-furred boy.

Space huffed, lowering his head to rest on his paws as he glanced at the only friend who remained with him. Savoring the last of his delightful jellies, Sparky returned his gaze with an eager and content grin.

"Did you enjoy your dessert?" Space inquired, a weary smile forming before it dropped. Sparky nodded, lifting his paw and pointing towards the stall that sold him the jellies.

"If you want, you can get some while we wait for Flame. I wouldn't mind!" Sparky encouraged. Space only shook his head, declining the idea.

"No, thank you. I'm alright." He responded.
The sound of bells resonated as the Central Square clock tower struck 11, which meant it was an hour and a half before the midnight fireworks show. The festival had been up and running since noon, and it'll continue well until 1 am. Sparky and Space took this as their cue to get back on the road. Flame will find them on his way back, anyway.

Sparky approached a bench to throw his empty plate and fork in the trash bin. However, as he did so, he noticed something familiar lying nearby on said bench.

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