Chapter 10: Forgetting Important Things

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As I wash the table of the study lounge, I hear the faint sound of a click. At first, I think it's the table squeaking under my weight as I lean on it. But then? You, miss, are in loads of trouble. Usually, their words echo all throughout the castle. However, now I can barely hear Crimson. Their radios are greatly dwindling. Even with that good news, it doesn't make up for the absolute dread that chills my blood. Ash was caught. She was the last one to win a game. We'd sent her to the great hall.

It was an accident! I swear! Her voice confirms my fears. Alex and I stand very still, listening. Trying to determine where the noise is coming from. I start slowly walking around. My Incanta has a mind of its own sometimes!

I don't believe you. Not one bit. Then, there's the sound of the doors to the throne room opening, and a thud as if Crimson has thrown Ash to the floor. Darla, this little scamp was found setting fire to one of my radios...

Oh? How strange.

Very strange. Than echoes her sentiment.

I still can't find where this thing is. Neither can Alex. Frustrated and panicking at the fact Ash is in trouble, Alex kicks the leg of the study lounge table. She can't feel what Darla does to her, I remind myself. I had passed out the potions last night. That's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about what Crimson is about to say to her. Ash is just a kid, around thirteen, and although teenagers can be headstrong, I worry that Crimson will get to her. They've said vile things to me; Ash doesn't deserve that same treatment. No one does.

How many have been destroyed?

Just those ones! Ash sounds desperate.

That's a lie, isn't it? Are you trying to manipulate me, child? Again? Crimson's laugh comes through and it makes my ears ring. I remember the last time you came in here spouting stories.

I—! There are sounds of crackling static. That's how loud her scream must be. The recorder can't pick it up. Ash is faking it, I tell myself. But what if she's not? When she screams again, I can't tell. And it's freaking me out. Please, I promise, that was the only few I destroyed... she sobs.

Right, just like how you only destroyed a few books in the Gardaran Library? Crimson snaps. Ash is quiet. You're here for a reason, child. Don't act like I'm the villain when you're the one who turned years of written history to dust. Then, there's a click and the broadcast ends.

I'm so panicked that I forget to find where the radio in the room is hidden. "Shit! We have to go in there. We have to—" my thoughts scramble. Darla and Than are on our side. They'll keep Ash from being killed. I have to trust them. Oh, dear gods, the fate of my friend rests in the hands of Crimson's very own wife and husband. I sink into a chair. All we can do is wait. Barging in there would give up the gig completely. And so, we wait. I bite down on my thumb so much that it bleeds.

Eventually, though, the study lounge doors burst open. Ash steps in, shaking like a leaf. I spring up and nearly topple us over when I hug her. "Darla and Than saved me. They took me out of there and let me run," she explains. "And they told me where the last radio is."

I don't ask her about what Crimson said. Frankly, I don't care about their twisted words, all I care about is that Ash is safe. And, of course, the news of where the last radio is an added bonus. "Where did they say it was?"

"It's in the throne room, in the side room to the right of the throne."

That night, our game of Spoons is down to two people - me and Alex. Who would have thought? Alex and I share a glance. Whoever wins this last game gets to sneak in and destroy that radio. Tension hands like a thick fog in the air when we sit down to play...

My heart drops when I win. Me. I'm going to be the one to finish this.

Whatever god made that decision has some screws loose. But, it's decided. Rolling up my sleeves, I take a deep breath. "Let's do this," I scowl.

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