Chapter 6 | Lungmen

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On the dirt road in the wilderness, a convoy was swiftly advancing; it was the convoy of the Lungmen Guard Bureau.

After not waiting for other lost contact teams, as the highest-ranking officer among the remaining officers, Chen issued the order to withdraw to Lungmen.

Currently, the huge mobile city was already within sight.

"Truly spectacular!"

Watching the city constructed on the mobile platform not far away, Roy couldn't help but exclaim in his heart.

The world wasn't as backward as he had imagined. Perhaps the mainstream of combat was still melee weapons, or perhaps most people in this time possessed some special abilities. However, their civilization and technology were not far behind, or perhaps... this world followed a completely different technological path from the world Roy lived in.

In the world where Roy used to live, it wasn't impossible to move a building, but to move an entire city simultaneously was almost impossible, at least not within the scope of Roy's knowledge.

The closer they got, the more they could feel the enormity of the city. At the same time, Roy gained some understanding of the structure of this building.

This mobile city was composed of individual city blocks, each of which could be detached. After moving, they would merge into a whole again.

After all the police cars entered the landing platform, the platform slowly ascended. When it reached the top, they were greeted by a sentry post. However, after Chen showed her police officer's badge, the Guard officers on duty cleared the way.

"Where is this?"

"The outskirts of Lungmen, the slums of Lungmen, mainly inhabited by infected individuals and those hidden gangs in Lungmen."

Seeing Roy's puzzled expression, the officer sitting on the other side introduced.

Although they hadn't seen Roy before, due to Roy's previous performance and his seemingly close relationship with Chen, naturally, the attitudes of these officers towards Roy had changed greatly.

Although Chen was not in this car at the moment, the attitude of the officers did not change.

"Doesn't the Guard intend to manage these places?" Listening to the other party's words, Roy asked.

He found it hard to imagine why a city would have an area belonging to gang members, and the police of this city would actually condone such a thing!

In his work experience, this kind of thing was almost impossible to happen. Even before the nationwide crackdown on organized crime, most places' underworld figures would not be so brazen. After the crackdown, those remaining guys even tightened their tails!

As for the infected...

Through previous exchanges with the officers, he understood what this term represented. He could understand why these guys would be arranged to live in this area.

In dealing with any incurable infection, isolation was often the most effective preventive measure. However, the quarantine area of the city was too poor, as if its rulers were unwilling to treat these infected individuals.

Through the window of the police car, Roy saw the people living on this land, one by one. They were all humanoid creatures, but they were different in subtle ways. If they were on earth, these guys would have been defined as subspecies by those biologists.

However, in this world, they were obviously mainstream.

There were some black crystals on their bodies under their thin clothing. If Roy guessed correctly, this was a symptom of oripathy.

Even the passing police cars blaring their alarms couldn't arouse these people. After a numb glance, they returned to their own activities. They had long lost hope.

The entire convoy walked in the slums of Lungmen for about fifteen minutes. After passing the second sentry post and undergoing tests related to oripathy, Roy and his team officially entered the urban area of Lungmen.

Finally, the police car stopped beside a tall building with the emblem of the Guard hung on the side.

This was the headquarters of the Guard, where people from all walks of life came every day. Some came to handle various businesses, some came to inquire about the progress of case investigations, and of course, there were also some guys who had been arrested and released on bail.

Overall, the law enforcement environment and the composition of the police force in this city were similar to the Hong Kong police force in the world, where Roy had been. However, compared to the Hong Kong police, the Guard had some other responsibilities.

"Roy, we're going to report back first. If we have a chance tonight, we'll make plans with you."

After leaving these words, the formal officers left.

As for Chen...

After leaving a "see you later," she left ahead of time, and she didn't even return to this side of the Guard headquarters. From her somewhat hurried appearance, perhaps there was something urgent.

As for these matters, Roy didn't intend to speculate further. At this moment, he was walking towards his department according to the signs on the wall.

Compared to other places, the Auxiliary Police Headquarters here was slightly more rundown, and there were far fewer people.

Unlike the impression of auxiliary police in Roy's mind, the system of auxiliary police in the Guard was similar to that in Hong Kong. They had the same ranks as regular police officers, and the only difference was an additional "A" on their shoulder patches to distinguish them.

At work, when auxiliary police and regular police were together and at the same rank, the auxiliary police obeyed the commands of the regular police; when at different ranks, lower-ranked officers obeyed higher-ranked officers.

"Hey, Roy, how was the operation this time? Smooth?" As Roy entered the office, the only person in the office greeted him.

"Not very smooth."

While answering, Roy approached the bookshelf. Due to the similarity of the characters used, Roy didn't encounter much difficulty in reading.

At present, he wanted to understand this world, and reading was a good way, the most basic way. So, he planned to start with this aspect.

"Is that so..."

A cup of hot tea was placed in front of Roy, and then the person walked out of the office.

"You keep busy; I won't accompany you."

After saying this, the person left directly.

One book after another was pulled out of the bookshelf by Roy. Not only were there some common sense books, but also some related to the Guard or Lungmen.

As for those books on legal texts... for now, Roy didn't need to read them. After all, what he needed now was basic knowledge, not those regulations and laws that he didn't know where they could be applied.

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