Chapter 7 | Extraction

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The sudden sound broke the tranquility of the office. When Roy put down his book and looked out the window, he saw the lingering twilight of the setting sun.

It was now 6:20 PM, time to clock out. Apart from the officers on duty, everyone else at the Auxiliary Police Headquarters could leave for home.

However, the night shift wasn't something that concerned the Auxiliary Police force much. Besides, Roy's position was that of an instructor, so naturally, he could leave directly.

The half-day of reading wasn't without its rewards. By now, Roy wasn't as ignorant about the city and the world as he had been before, and he had gained some understanding of his own identity.

At least now he knew where to go after work.

After returning each book he had taken out back to the shelf, Roy left the office and pulled the door closed behind him.

Compared to daytime, the Auxiliary Police Headquarters was much quieter in the evening. Due to the cessation of window services, only a handful of maintenance staff could be seen besides the officers.

After clocking out, Roy left the headquarters.

The streets of Lungmen were not much different from the city streets Roy had lived in his previous life. Neon lights adorned the streets, pedestrians of all kinds walked about, and office workers who had just finished their shifts.

Various shops lined both sides of the street, and there was no shortage of vehicles on the road...

However, Roy had no intention of strolling around. After dinner, he headed straight for his residence. He had more important things to do.

Half an hour later, at an apartment located at the junction of Lungmen City and the outer ring, Roy's residence was here. In the crowded city of Lungmen, only these areas close to the outer ring could be considered relatively inexpensive, but the rent was still high compared to the average annual salary.

As for buying a house?

In the world where Roy had lived before, a family could work hard for a lifetime and still manage to buy at least one house. In this place, forget about it, even with the preferential policies of the Auxiliary Police force.

After skillfully opening the unfamiliar door, what greeted Roy was a similarly unfamiliar room. A bed, an old television, a bookshelf, a small bathroom, and a balcony serving as a makeshift kitchen. This was all there was to Roy's current residence.

And even though this little house cost about 60,000 Lungmen dollars a year in rent, it was two-thirds of the annual salary level in Lungmen City, with the remaining part used to cover living expenses.

Overall, the room was relatively tidy, and Roy felt somewhat fortunate. At least the previous tenant wasn't the sloppy type.

He approached the window and pulled the curtain shut. Then, he took out the small box that had appeared in his pocket.

Without hesitating any longer, Roy opened the box.

At that moment, a brilliant light filled the entire room. If Roy hadn't pulled the curtain beforehand, the residents nearby might have noticed something unusual by now.

"You've opened the mysterious box..."

"You've obtained an item: 'Li·Ghost Swordsmanship Enlightenment Scroll.'"

At this moment, the light dissipated.

The box had long since disappeared, leaving only an ancient-looking scroll in Roy's hand. This was presumably the so-called Li·Ghost Swordsmanship Enlightenment Scroll.

As for what Li·Ghost Swordsmanship was...

Roy naturally knew better than anyone else. It was a skill possessed by the Sword Soul with the title of Iron Man in the Poison Milk Powder[2], but Roy always felt that this scroll wasn't that simple.

"Name: Li·Ghost Swordsmanship Enlightenment Scroll"

"Rarity: Epic"

"This scroll records the lifelong mastery of swordsmanship by a sword deity. Whoever can comprehend its mysteries will surely advance further on the path of swordsmanship."

"Learned upon use: Li·Ghost Swordsmanship"

Without any hesitation, Roy opened the scroll.

A strange energy surged into his body with his hands, and at that moment, one move after another, one battle after another, appeared in his mind. Whether it was drawing the sword or performing a phantom sword dance, Roy felt that as long as he wished, he could execute them.

"Learned: Li·Ghost Swordsmanship, current proficiency: 0"

"Li·Ghost Swordsmanship"

"Special Skill"

"After learning, gain access to the Li·Ghost Swordsmanship skill system. When proficiency reaches a certain value, this skill will change to Ji·Ghost Swordsmanship and unlock new related skills."

Indeed, just as Roy had expected, this skill wasn't just a small skill like those in a game but a complete skill tree system.

Undoubtedly, for Roy at the moment, this was a significant improvement, and in the future, this skill series would become his main combat technique.

Ding ding ding...

Ding ding ding...

Ding ding ding...

It was at this moment that Roy's phone rang.

"Is this Roy?"

As soon as the call connected, a voice came from the other end of the phone. Although the voice was somewhat distorted, Roy could recognize who it was.

It was one of the officers from the previous group led by Chen.

"Yes, it's me."

"Do you have time tonight to go out for dinner with us?"

"Of course."


[1]-Gulu is a chinese onomatopoeia for the sound of something rolling.

[2]-This is probably a reference to Dungeon Fighter Online/Dungeon & Fighter

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