Chapter 22 | Behind the curtain

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In the office of the Security Department Director of the Lungmen Guard Bureau, a middle-aged man is sitting quietly by the coffee table, savoring the tea in his cup that is still emitting a faint steam.

Knock knock knock...

The sound of knocking interrupts the silence.

"Come in."

As the middle-aged man places his cup back on the table, he rises and returns to his desk.

Although his position is second only to the top in the hierarchy of the Lungmen Guard Bureau, maintaining a public image is still essential. He cannot afford to tarnish the reputation of the bureau's leadership over trivial matters, which could impact his political career, even though his chances of promotion are slim now.

When he reaches his desk, the visitor enters, closing and locking the door behind him.

If it were anyone else, the Security Department Director would have already pressed the alarm and reached for the weapon hidden in his desk. However, upon seeing the visitor's face, the director smiles faintly.

"Lawyer Yan, what brings you here? Has another officer from the Guard Bureau been reported?"

"No, no, no, Director Wang, I just have some case-related matters I'd like to consult with you."

As he speaks, Lawyer Yan produces a document. However, it's not related to any case but rather contains material about the incident that occurred this morning—a set of prepared statements.

Director Wang understands the lawyer's intent; clearly, someone behind him wants Wang to intervene. However, the director knows he cannot influence this matter, as it's beyond his authority.

After all, the case is handled by Chen, someone with significant connections to Wei Yenwu, the highest ruler of Lungmen.

Perhaps her rank and position are not as high as his, but Director Wang can see that Wei Yenwu is preparing this young Inspector General as his successor. Therefore, it would be inappropriate to offend the future head of the Lungmen Guard Bureau or even the supreme ruler of Lungmen over such a matter.

As for reaching Wei Yenwu's current position?

Director Wang is well aware of his limitations. He knows that even if Wei Yenwu agrees, the authorities of the Great Yan would never approve.

To outsiders, Lungmen might seem like a free and independent city, but only the upper echelons of Lungmen understand one thing: although Lungmen is mostly active on the borders of the Great Yan, this mobile city is an inseparable part of the Great Yan!

If anyone tries to declare independence for the city, they would likely be assassinated by the Great Yan's agents before they could even announce it!

Perhaps Director Wang does indeed have connections with the person behind the lawyer and harbors ambitions to control Lungmen, but he understands that now is not the time.

"Do you want me to help you get bail for this mafia boss?"

"Yes, I hope Director Wang can accommodate us."

At that moment, the lawyer slowly reveals the checks hidden in the document, out of the camera's view. Even Director Wang, a high-ranking official, is tempted by the sight of so many checks.

Everyone knows what these checks represent. In this expensive city, they could buy a villa—more money than he could earn in a lifetime!

At that moment, Director Wang's heart stirs.

"Is a mere mafia boss worth so much to you?"

"This is the young master's wish. You just need to sign this bail document, Director Wang. The young master will take care of the rest."


Seeing Director Wang's hesitant expression, the lawyer realizes that this alone might not be enough to persuade the middle-aged man.

But he has other cards to play.

Thinking of the high-ranking official before him, the lawyer is reminded of wild beasts caught in traps. Before the trap, they are majestic, but once caught, they become pitiful. If these beasts don't obey, the hunter can easily destroy them!

At this moment, Director Wang is the prey, already caught in the young master's trap, and the young master is the hunter!

Of course, the lawyer would never say these words to the high-ranking official.

"Director Wang, have you forgotten the previous incidents... If it weren't for the young master, would you be sitting in this position now?"

"Or are you saying... Director Wang, you no longer wish to cooperate with the young master? Are you prepared to betray the friendship with the young master?"

"Are you threatening me?"

At that moment, anger flashes across the middle-aged man's face.

Seeing this, the lawyer's face breaks into a smile.

"No, it's just a friendly reminder."

"If Director Wang no longer wishes to sit in this position, there are plenty of others who do."


The anger on Director Wang's face fades, replaced by a sense of resignation.

Ever since he accepted his first bribe, he had thought about this moment, but back then, he didn't take it seriously.

Now, he has paid the price; there's no turning back.

Covering the revealed checks with the document, Director Wang takes the papers.

"I'll do my best, but since Inspector Chen is handling this case, I can't guarantee success."

"Don't worry, you just need to do your part. The young master will handle the rest."

With that, the lawyer stands up and slowly exits the office, leaving behind a wave of chaotic noise...

As his anger subsides, Director Wang calms down and pulls out his phone to browse his contacts.

As a high-ranking official, he has cultivated some "subordinates" below him, so he doesn't need to handle certain matters personally. He just needs to contact these "subordinates," confident they will handle the situation well.

With that thought, he dials the head of the Legal Affairs Department.

"Hello? Is that Xiao Gao?"

"Director Wang, what can I do for you?"

Hearing the voice on the other end, Director Wang's anger eases somewhat.

He explains the situation to his "loyal" subordinate, and after receiving assurance, Director Wang hangs up the phone, satisfied.

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