Chapter 31 | Departure

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"Yo, how do you two have time to hang around here?"

Looking at Chen and Swire standing next to the utility vehicle, Roy, with a blade in hand, greeted them with a smile.

However, the expressions on their faces did not ease, clearly aware of Roy's recent actions. As top graduates of the criminal investigation program and among the most professional officers of the Lungmen Guard Bureau, they understood one thing: the person before them had violated the law.

Yet, for them to arrest him right there, the two chief inspectors found it difficult to proceed, after all, what he had done was beneficial to Lungmen.


"Roy, you have violated the laws of Lungmen, and now... I must arrest you."

At that moment, Chen drew the blade hanging at her waist.

Seeing this, Swire showed a look of surprise.

"Chen, what are you trying to do?!"

"Uphold the dignity of Lungmen's laws!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Chen made her move, her blade striking directly towards Roy, who then revealed a slight smile.

If Chen hadn't done this, Roy would have doubted whether she was really Chen. But now, he no longer doubted, because in this matter, Chen still maintained her own style.

At least, Chen, as a police officer, was qualified.

However, as swords crossed, Roy was stunned. He thought Chen would strike with full force, but she unexpectedly held back significantly!

In his moment of distraction, their figures crossed paths, and at that moment, something was slipped into Roy's bag. Then, the two separated.

"We'll be waiting for you at the Guard Bureau to come back; you'll always be a member of the Special Ops."

Hearing Chen's words, Roy's look of astonishment turned into a faint smile, understanding her intentions.

Releasing his grip on the blade, Roy, wearing cut-resistant tactical gloves, grabbed Chen's sword hilt and forcefully pulled away her blade.

Then, Roy used the hilt to strike Chen in the abdomen.

"Don't think you can escape; I won't let you go!"

As if to make his stance known to someone, Chen shouted angrily.

While inserting the sword he had taken from her into the standard-issue sheath of the Guard Bureau, Roy looked at Chen with a serious expression.

"Everything I've done is just, don't try to pin any baseless charges on me!"

With those words, Roy kicked up the dust on the ground, and under its cover, he quickly headed towards the exit.

As the dust settled, Chen, looking at the empty street, revealed a brief smile that disappeared in an instant.

She held the sword abandoned by Roy with one hand, using it to support her body, while the other hand covered her abdomen, feigning injury.

When the prying eyes were gone, Chen stood up and walked towards Swire.

"You two..."

"Shh, this isn't the place to talk. Let's go back to your place, Swire."

With that, Chen took the passenger seat in Swire's sports car, and without any objections from Swire, they seemed to return to their childhood days when they had a decent relationship, at least not addressing each other with Lungmen's coarse language.

After starting the sports car, Swire turned around and headed towards the city...

A few minutes later, at the outskirts of Lungmen.

When Roy arrived, people were already waiting there. Lying on the surrounding ground were figures like the mafia, with wounds indicating they were killed by someone with exceptional skills.

Clearly, these individuals wearing conical hats and black straw raincoats were the instigators, a secret force belonging to Wei Yenwu, never seen in the light.

"By Chief Wei's command, we have prepared the necessary funds for your journey."

The leader said so.

With his words, the valve of the Lungmen exit slowly opened. On the other side of the valve, an armored vehicle with its insignia and license plates removed was placed there. Through the glass, Roy could see the inside of the vehicle, which had been converted into an RV style. Surely, there must be some supplies on board, as Roy knew that crossing this land to reach another country without any supplies was impossible.

Taking the car keys thrown to him, Roy passed the black straw guards and headed towards the armored vehicle. As for whether Wei Yenwu would betray him?

With the strength of the black straw guards, even if Wei planned to do so, Roy could not avoid it, but he believed Wei Yenwu would not use his power to kill Roy.

What he wanted was for Roy to leave Lungmen forever. If he could die in the wilderness, all the better. Of course, if he didn't die, Wei wouldn't pursue it. After all, Roy was a man of merit, wasn't he?

After starting the armored vehicle, Roy headed away from Lungmen. As for where to go next... he would decide after looking at the map.

Time passed slowly, and after driving at full speed through the wilderness for several hours, Lungmen became a blur. At that moment, Roy stopped the armored vehicle.

After finding a fairly detailed map of Terra from the toolbox, Roy began to think.

His current location was in the southwest of Lungmen. Heading north would take him to the vast Ursus Empire, which always reminded Roy of Russia. Heading southwest would lead to the homeland of the Sarkaz, the currently war-torn Kazdel. Moving northeast and crossing Lungmen would take him to the Eastern Nations. If he went southeast and crossed the desert, Roy could enter Yan.

First, the Eastern Nations were ruled out by Roy; having left Lungmen, he naturally wouldn't turn back. The next to be excluded was Yan, not because it wasn't a good place to go, but because Roy's supplies were not enough to cross the desert.

Roy was not an infected, so Ursus could be considered. However, if he went from the direction of Lungmen, he would inevitably be seen as an insider, especially since Yan and Ursus had been tense in recent years. Although Lungmen had never declared itself a part of Yan, the fact that Wei Yenwu was of the Yan royal family indicated the city's allegiance. Naturally, Roy would not go to Ursus at this time.

There was only one direction to choose: continue southwest, towards the land in civil war, towards Kazdel...

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