Chapter 29 | Before the Great Change

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On the streets of Lungmen, Roy was walking alone, having just finished his conversation with Wei Yenwu, he left the Guard Bureau directly.

The occasional pleasant music did not interrupt the pace of the people around. In Lungmen, any slight pause would cause them to fall completely out of rhythm, like an endless marathon, where participants could only drag their weary bodies on the track and continue running towards the horizon.

It was Roy's ringtone. As for who was calling...

There's no need to say more, some were from Chen, and some were from Swire. Out of concern for their colleague and to prevent Roy from doing something outrageous, they wanted to stop him.

After growing somewhat weary, Roy took out his phone and turned it off. Meanwhile, he continued to move forward aimlessly, waiting for someone's arrival...

At the same time, in the Special Operations Group office of the Lungmen Guard Bureau, after leaving the Enforcement and Case Center, Chen and Swire returned here with the materials.

However, there was not a trace of joy in their hearts for having captured important case clues. On the contrary, Roy's last words echoed in their minds at all times.

"What do you want to do?"

"Do what I must!"

When Swire closed her eyes, that scene appeared before her. She became slightly impatient, dialed her phone, and pressed the call button repeatedly. However, the continuous ringing indicated that the other party did not want to answer her call.

After putting down the phone, she looked at Chen, who had a serious expression on her face. The one who had just put down the phone looked at the computer in front of her, then picked up two blades placed aside and walked straight towards the office door.

"Chen, have you found him?"

"I'll leave the case to you for now; I'll bring him back."

"Understood, I'll sort out the relevant information before you return."


Half an hour later, on the outskirts of Lungmen City.

After arriving at this location, Roy stopped. He first scanned the surroundings and then spoke directly:

"Since you've come, won't you show yourself?"

"Truly worthy of someone esteemed by the young master, your insight is remarkable."

As the voice fell, a relatively young figure emerged from around the corner. However, the feeling of being watched did not fade.

Roy was well aware that many people were still watching him, but he didn't care.

"What do you want with me?"

"The young master intends to meet you."

The man said so, maintaining the demeanor of a noble butler, which Roy had only seen in the butlers of great nobles during a trip abroad in a previous life.

After speaking, the butler waited silently for Roy's response.

"What if I refuse?"

"We will still invite you, but... in our way."

Perhaps there was no emotion in his words, but the threat was clear for all to see.

From the beginning, Roy had no choice, but he didn't plan to refuse anyway.

"Lead the way."

As Roy's words fell, a car drove up from the other end of the alley and stopped beside them.

"Please get in the car, Mr. Roy."

Guided by the other party, Roy sat in the second row of the car.

The car did not have a device to block the view, or perhaps the driver had not activated it. It was clear that the person referred to as the young master did not care about revealing his location, or perhaps the place where he met Roy would not necessarily be his headquarters, and even his true body might not be present.

It would be best to kill his true body, but even if it was not possible to kill his true body, the fall of a substitute could still cause a shock among the underground forces of Lungmen.

And that was enough. Roy believed that Wei Yenwu would seize this opportunity.

Shortly after the car drove away, Chen arrived at the spot. Looking at the not-so-chaotic traces on the ground, she realized she was late. Roy might have already set off on that path, and now he might be on his way to meet that person. Before long, explosive news would spread rapidly throughout Lungmen.

However, Chen did not give up. Following the tire tracks, she continued to move forward...

As the sky gradually darkened, finally, the car stopped in front of a villa. After the car door was opened, Roy got out.

The security personnel at the entrance removed all the weapons Roy was carrying. After confirming that Roy had no equipment that could be used for violence, they let him enter the villa.

The villa was enormous, its structure like a maze. If not for the "butler" leading the way, it would have been extremely difficult for Roy to find that person inside. However, leaving would be much simpler.

After all, no one had ever stipulated that one must follow the homeowner's set path when leaving.

About six minutes later, Roy finally reached the end of the road. In front of the large door at the endpoint, the butler stopped.

"Please come in, Mr. Roy, the young master and the distinguished guests are waiting for you."

After these words, the butler stepped aside, and the two heavy doors slowly opened.

Across from Roy, a young man with an extraordinary demeanor was surveying everything below, while the leaders of various gangs from the dark side of Lungmen sat on both sides of the room.

Not only people from Yan but also from Siracusa, and even an older Zalak. When Roy entered the room, the man leaning on a cane glanced at Roy.

An ordinary person would not be puzzled by this, but Roy was no ordinary person. Almost instantly, he was certain that this Zalak was his ally, likely someone Wei Yenwu had placed in the lower levels of Lungmen.

"Welcome, Roy. I've wanted to meet you for a long time."

Seeing Roy's slightly puzzled expression, the young man showed a hint of a smile.

If it were anyone else, they would have knelt upon seeing him, but this man was different. He seemed not to care about his own status, which pleased the young master greatly.

He slowly descended from the high platform and walked towards Roy. He wanted to take a good look at Roy, to see if he was as he had expected.

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