The Sleepover~ Part 2

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Twilights POV

After playing Truth or Dare, we decided to figure out sleeping arrangements. 

"Ok, so me and Fluttershy can go over here in our sleeping bags, Rarity can go on her mattress over here, applejack can sleep on her sleeping bag in the middle here, and since Twilight forgot her sleeping bag, She can sleep in the bed with you, Pinkie. Does that all sound good?" Rainbowdash asks.

"Yep!" Rarity and Applejack say.

"y-yes" Fluttershy says, while blushing.

"..Y-Yes! Sure!" Pinkie pie says. She seems....Nervous...and Excited? Nervouscited?? Well anyway, i hope shes fine sleeping with me....I the same me... together...I MEAN...ok calm down Twilight..

"Twilight?" Rainbowdahs asks.

"..Oh! Yes I'd love to sleep with Pinkie. I MEAN um.. Like in the bed.. Yes im fine with it is what im trying to say." I said.

Pinkie looks as though she smiled at me...In a flirty kinda way? ....Nononoooo she probably just thought it was funny...haha..

By 11, Fluttershy and Rainbowdash were cuddling in their sleeping bags, Applejack was snoring, and Rarity was sleeping. Only me and Pinkie were awake.

"Hiii Twilighttt" Pinkie says, in a sleep-deprived way.

"Hi Pinkiee are you tired?" I ask, even though her state is very obvious.

"noooo but im coldddddd twilight can we cuddleeee" Pinkie sounds almost drunk at this point haha. 

i blush, but im glad she cant see it. what do i say?

"Uh- sure! if- if you want to!" I say.

Pinkie pulls me closer to her, wraps her arm around my torso, and puts her bent leg over my thighs, so her head is laying on my chest. 

Oh my god. I have so many feelings right now I don't know what to do. the way her face just looks so pretty even when she's sleeping, the way she's CUDDLING me right now?? 


no. nevermind. she is literally just sleep deprived, and doesn't like me or anything. I mean, I don't like her- or-  I don't know..Im too tired for this. Im gonna just sleep...

-The Next Morning-

Pinkies POV

ahhh what a nice sleepov- WHA-?? Omg. am I laying on Twilights... AHEM...Chest???? my leg is over her body...oh shoot.

"Mornin Pinkie" Twilight says, sounding like she just woke up.

"Morning.....and sorry...I must've been super sleep deprived last night....I tend to get lovey-dovey then- sorry Twilight..haha" I say, nervously.

"Oh, no problem! It was pretty comfy haha..and you're cute when you sleep." Twilight says with a smile and a wink.

I blush extremely noticably.


We must've slept long.....and...if the girls woke up first...they must've seen me and twilight...nevermind.

Me and Twilight walk downstairs in our pajamas to get breakfast. 

"hey girls" i say in a tired voice.

"Well good morning sunshines! how did you two sleep?" Applejack smirks.

"morning...and...we slept great." Twilight says.

I blush again. noticably.

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