Some talk.

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'Oui! Comment le saviez-vous? (Yes! How did you know?)' Hamilton asked politely with some hints of confusion in his voice 'Eh bien, vous faites partie de ceux qui ont participé à la Révolution américaine! (Well, you are one of the people who were in the American Revolution!)' The French Man spoke with admiration in his voice, Hamilton was quite shocked that someone from Europe knew him and that he was in the American Revolution 'Oh vraiment?! C'est bien mais j'ai une question.. Qui es-tu? (oh really?! That's nice but I have a question..who are you?)' Hamilton asked. 'Eh bien, je suis Napoléon Bonaparte! (Well, I am Napoleon Bonaparte!)' He stated, smiling as if he had won a gold medal. 'Oh, quel nom fort et joli pour quelqu'un d'aussi... petit. Je n'essaye pas d'être impoli cependant. (Oh, what a strong and nice name for someone so..short. I am not trying to be rude though)' Hamilton said, not trying to be mean at all but it still was seen as disrespect to Napoleon, his face scrunches up a little and he muttered quietly 'Oui oui..' his face started to slightly redden up from his slight anger. (BTW EVE IF YOUR READING THIS IM SO SORRRYYYY...and suggest what the next chapter should be pretty pls im running out of ideas,,,)

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