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The best thing about trips is you don't have to work much and currently I am in dire need of one. My mind is a mess, of course, a beautiful one, anyways, the last couple of days were so hectic and messed up that I think I'll die before even finding a love, not that I'll ever find one but a girl can always dream.

Ivan, my second in command told me there's an issue in one of the underground clubs. Apparently, the guy hired to manage it was a spy of Diego Cortez, the Spanish Mafia boss and the motherfucker did manage to extract some information.

So, here I am where my men are trying to force information out of him. Dumping the third cigarette in the ashtray, I leaned back in my chair, crossing my legs as I observed the interrogation unfolding before me. Dmitry's bulky frame loomed over the spy, his face contorted in a menacing scowl, his thick Russian accent dripping with malice.

"What files did you send to the Spanish?" Dmitry's voice rumbled through the dimly lit room, his eyes boring into the spy's trembling form.

His hands were bound, sweat glistening on his forehead as he stammered, "I-I don't know what you're talking about, please, I swear!" His eyes darted around the room, seeking an escape that would never come.

Dmitry's large hand shot out and grabbed his chin as he stabbed his left thigh again. The man's strong, with a rod in his palms, and thighs stabbed multiple times, he is still not broken and begging for mercy.

I observed the scene with amusement on how much he can take. Leaning forward, my green eyes pierced through the spy's face as I searched for any hint of surrender.

"Ivan," I commanded him to take charge as I locked eyes with the spy who will be begging for mercy soon enough.

Ivan's cold and calculating gaze met mine, a silent understanding passing between us as he stepped forward, cracking his knuckles in a menacing display of power.

The spy's eyes widened in realization of the impending doom that awaited him, his breath quickening in fear as a smile finally grazed my lips, finally fear.

Dmitry stepped back as he took a cloth to clean his blood stained hands, giving full control to Ivan.

A sinister grin tugged at Ivan's lips as he took a fistful of hair in his hands and giving it a brutal pull that was rewarded with a fearful scream. "Do you want to tell about the files or should I force it out of you?"

"I-I really don't know what you are talking about, I am loyal to the Russian Mafia."

I clicked my tongue, "Oops," that was his mistake, Ivan doesn't like when some rat says he is loyal to me when he isn't.

Ivan's grip tightened on the man's hair, his expression twisted into a cruel sneer as he leaned in closer, his voice low and dripping with menace. "Oh?"

And in the next moment his left eye was gone, stabbed with a hot blade tearing a brutal scream out of him.


"Please, leave me. Please," Finally he begged, causing a scowl to form on Ivan's face.

He left his hair to pick up a blade as he started scrapping layers of his skin, "When did I asked you to beg?"

The spy's eye was bawling out with tears as screams erupted from his throat satisfying me, "Kazanah, I sent the files to Kazanah."

In the record time.

Ivan gave him a small pat, "Let's clean your wound," he poured a bottle of alcohol on his would as the man begged continuously.

"You will regret if the information is false."

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