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«And where the offense is,
let the great axe fall.»

November 2021
(Months since Atalanta: 1)

Emily threw her glasses down on her desk.

"What is it now?" - she snapped viciously at the terrified, mousy-looking creature before her.


"By all means, take your time agent. What you have to say is clearly of supreme importance to me that it's worth wasting my entire evening waiting for it."

She watched the girl's face pale.

"It's the lawyers agent Prentiss, that's the twelfth time they've called, they said it's important you speak to them tonight." -  she managed to stammer out.

"I told you to handle it. Did I stutter?"

"No! No of course."

"Get out." - Emily said quietly, turning her attention back to her desk and pulling some copy towards her.

The new agent in training with her squeaked like a little mouse and skittered back to her desk.


"What do you think you're doing agent?" - Emily said, loud enough that it could be heard in the outer office.

"I" - April's replacement began to call back.

"For Christ's sake! Get up!" - she heard JJ hiss.

The mousy creature was in her doorway in a flash.

"I said get out." - Emily reiterated, before turning her attention back to her work.

She started to count seconds in her mind.

"But, agent Prentiss, I."

Emily held up her hand to silence the girl, not bothering to look up.

"JJ." - she called nonchalantly.

"Yes, Em?" - JJ responded, in record time considering how mad she was at Emily for letting April go away.

"Deal with her." - Emily paused, raising her eyes to scan the girl who was still standing in her office looking like an oxygen-starved goldfish,

"Of course, Emily." - she replied, grabbing the girl by the arm and tugging her out of her sight.

Emily sighed and leaned back in her chair, attempting to relax her face. The urge to frown was overwhelming that week.

Well, not just that week.

If she was truly honest, she had been in a horrific mood since Atalanta.

When the case had ended, she had been forced to return immediately to D.C. , minus one agent and bypassing another case in Florida.

Since the events of October, there had not been a single moment of peace to be found. If it wasn't endless calls from lawyers because of her mother's death, then it was the fury of the team who had seen fit to punish her at every turn for the sudden departure of their beloved team mate.

To top it all off, Penelope had failed to come up with a single competent agent, once again.

The fact that she had fired the first replacement on sight, simply because the woman was wearing a dress for training was beside the point. The following two offerings, that night's sacrifice included, were a result of Penelope's obvious attempt to hire people that in no way resembled April, and the lack of subtlety was beginning to irk her.

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