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«Love is not a problem;
just as a vehicle is not.
Only the driver, the road 
and the passengers
are problematic.»

December 2023
(Months since Atalanta: 26)

Christmas was fast approaching and April sat back in her chair, laughing hysterically as one of the guys from the minor abuse desk began regaling her with a story about two soccer Moms, one kid, and the resulting brawl that had left one of them with a black eye. It had been a tit punch that had finally tipped it over, and April was gripping her sides as he held his iPhone up and started flicking through the pictures.

"Look, I'm pretty sure that's a chunk of hair in her hand in that one!" - he exclaimed, pointing at the biggest tech device since the iPod.

"Oh I don't know. The picture's a little blurry there Marcus."

"It's a megapixel camera! On a phone!"

April burst out laughing at the look of pure indignation on his face before turning back to the pile of Christmas cards sitting on her desk. She had been filling them out at a pace so she could get them in the post before the end of the day. She shouldn't have left it so late, it would be a bloody miracle if they managed to arrive on time with the way Christmas post was.

"I don't know why you bother. No one reads that crap." - he said before returning to an file he had been looking over for her and taking a swig from the beer sitting next to him on the desk.

Marcus was probably right, but she couldn't help herself. With the season upon them she had suddenly found herself caught up in the Christmas spirit. Well, spirits she thought with a wry smile. Despite being exceptionally busy with work in the run-up to the holiday, she had been inundated with invites to holiday events and this year, had chosen to attend them.

Yes, life had definitely started experiencing an upswing for April since November, and the weirdest part of it all was that it seemed to be on account of Jennifer Jareau. She may have let slip about her abysmal social life after one too many margaritas and the following week she had been extended another invitation for drinks.

"I can't stand you looking like a wounded puppy." - had been JJ's explanation.

She didn't complain. She enjoyed spending time with JJ. It was nice to have people to bitch about work with, and if she enjoyed hearing stories about what terror Emily had been instilling in her employees, well, so what?

April touched her pen to her lips as she thought about being on the receiving end of Emily's charm a few scant weeks before. There was little doubt now that she had definitely enjoyed it.

She should never have answered that damn call.

It was a moment that wouldn't be repeated, and she felt like she had been robbed of the opportunity to see the woman behind the mask.

She reached over and took a drink from the punch on her desk.

She decided to blow Seattle, the Interpol Christmas party was that night and the office had decided to start early. She was already about two of the full three sheets to the wind.

As she reached for another card, she grabbed a particularly garish one with a fat Santa on the front.

Oh what would it hurt, she thought with a snigger, it wasn't like Emily read her Christmas cards anyway.

She tapped her pen against her lip before deciding on her approach.

Dear Emily,
Wishing you and the others a very Merry Christmas. October certainly was an experience.
Enjoy your holiday,

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