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«It's worth the wait.»

"No, I don't have any ideas! It's been more than two years!" - April cursed down the phone.

"Well, you would poke the dragon with a stick, beautiful." - Penelope replied bluntly.

April growled. She still hadn't settled on a venue for drinks.

"She drinks wine. Do you know how many wine bars there are in this city?"

"Poor little, April. I'm sure you'll figure something out."

"Penelope, come on. You spend enough time with her to know what she likes."

"Oh Andy, have you really been gone that long. Do you seriously think she left this in your hands so you could take her somewhere unsurprising? You used to work for the woman, you know how she thinks."

"She's testing me." - April sighed.

"Of course, she is."

"What was I thinking? I must be insane."

"You knew her better than she knew herself once. You'll come up with something."

April groaned, letting her head hit the desk.

"Now, if you don't mind, I am actually busy. In case you've forgotten, I have a department to run. I'm not your therapist, your life coach, or your dating advisor for that matter."

April's head shot up.

"Who said anything about dating?" - she demanded.

"Really, beautiful?" - Penelope laughed down the line before ending the call.

"I'm screwed." - April groaned.


Emily flicked through her emails after lunch and smirked as she noticed the conspicuous absence of a response from one April Kipling.

The woman was good at doing things on a whim, but Emily was interested to see how she would hold up under the pressure of follow through.

Emily had years of experience inflicting torment on her victims, and April deserved a little punishment.

"Amy, get me JJ."

Emily drummed her fingers on her desk as she waited. Barely a minute had passed before Amy called out.

"I have agent Jareau."

Emily leant over to pick up her desk phone.

"Don't you dare help her." - Emily said, in lieu of hello.

"I wouldn't dream of it, but she called Penelope. She didn't help, don't worry." - JJ said before Emily ended the call.

She didn't bother to question why she obviously knew what she was talking about.


JJ stared at her phone in wonder as Lana, one of her unit's agents, strolled into her office without knocking. She never knocked.

"Jason Archer has requested a meeting, Texas has confirmed they need our help, and Luke Alvez from the BAU called, he said it was urgent but he always sounds a little hysterical so I never know when to take that man seriously, and you need to sign off on these budgets for the upcoming meeting before I send them up."

JJ's eyes snapped up and she found Lana staring at her

"You okay?" - the younger agent asked, tilting her head in concern.

"Yes, just a strange day. A very strange day."

"I'll get you some rehydration sachets, you look a bit zoned, oh, and finance needs those by three."- the girl said, waving at the papers on JJ's desk before exiting.

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