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«At the wrong time.»

April, 2022
(Months since Atalanta: 6)

Jennifer Jareau, long-suffering friend and colleague to Emily Prentiss had finally earned her stripes and would be moving on to become chief of the child protection unit. It had been her dream since graduating with a Master of child protection from Georgetown university.

The last six months had been absolute hell and she was amazed she had managed to pass through reasonably unscathed. There was no doubt in her mind that she deserved that promotion. After more than fifteen years of obscenely long hours and years of unfathomable bullshit courtesy of the mercurial, gray-haired demon that ruled her life, by God she had earned it.

Jennifer and Emily had always had an excellent relationship, but since the older woman had become chief and April had joined the team, things had cooled between them and she had formed a very strong relationship with the young agent, but in that moment, however, JJ easily hated her considering how much their life had become hell because of the redhead.

By the way, Jennifer thought, who calls you a friend and then goes away without a word or without being in touch for six long months?

It had been six months since the Atalanta disaster. Six months since Elizabeth Prentiss passed away, and 'She-who-must-not-be-named' bolted the next. Since then, Jennifer had taken it upon herself to ensure that Emily's life ran as smoothly as possible, and for the past couple of months, things had been ticking over nicely. She wasn't sure why she bothered, her boss more ungrateful than ever, but a part of her felt responsible for the old witch, and ever since Atalanta, Emily had been off.

Tara had scoffed at the suggestion, citing any number of psychotic behaviors Emily continued to display on a daily basis.

And yes, sure, she was still the demanding, generally unreasonable pain in the arse she had always been. In some ways, she had been more vicious than before.

Yet, there was something missing.

JJ had yet to put her finger on exactly what it was, but Emily seemed a little flat. She leaned forward, resting her chin on her fist as she absentmindedly made adjustments to Emily's evening schedule, a consultation for Phoenix police department now a requirement.

What it was, she didn't know, but she could recall a time when there would be a flicker of amusement in Emily's eyes as she set a task she knew would make her team mates run around in anticipation for a case. Especially the new and talented ones.

Now she didn't seem to care all that much. It was like her heart wasn't in it. These days she simply fired them if they breathed too loudly.

God, those first few weeks after Atalanta were horrendous. Not only had Emily chewed through an agents a day in Atalanta itself, but she had managed to fire three agents within her first month back at the office. The next two had barely lasted a couple of weeks, until Kristen. At Kristen, she seemed to lose steam. Kristen was passable, and for that JJ was beyond thankful and also extremely bitter.

JJ had expected to be punished for April's insubordination. The Emily she knew would have chained her to the profiler's desk for another year for allowing April-bloody-Kipling to step foot inside the Quantico buildings in the first place. April's failings would have become Jennifer's failings. Emily would have dangled the chief position in front of her like a carrot and made her run until she bled.

However, instead of punishing her until the end of time, Emily seemed determined to have her gone. As soon as possible.

JJ was almost hurt when Emily dropped the offer in her lap and said her time was up.

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