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«I don't know if it's bad or good
but I'm better together with you.»

The few short days before the new unit launch passed by about as uneventfully as the run-up to a new department launch could. The Board were nervous about an untested chief at the helm, and Emily had spent more time placating them than concerning herself with Penelope's affairs.

The technical analyst was capable. She didn't need her help; and if she did, Penelope knew she could approach Emily at any time, day or night.

The raven haired woman also knew that she wouldn't.

She remembered the run-up to the resolution of her first case at the BAU after taking over her current position. It was still one of the most terrifying and exhilarating experiences of her life. She had no interest in interfering in Penelope's  moment of glory.

Not to mention she had her own fires to fight, she thought, rolling her eyes. How these people still managed to make so many mistakes was beyond her. She was surrounded by complete and utter incompetence.

Well, not entirely.

"Kristen." - she called.

"Yes, Emily?" - she responded, in record time.

Emily was yet to discern how the girl managed to vacate her desk and be at her doorway so quickly.

"Is my dress ready for tomorrow evening, and have those Zanotti's I requested arrived yet?"

"Yes, Emily. Hair and make-up will arrive at six, and Luke will pick you up at six forty-five. Did you want a fitting scheduled for today?"

"No, no. Unless I've gained ten pounds in the last week that I'm unaware of."

"No, it doesn't appear so Emily. Anything else?" - Kristen replied with a straight face

"No, that's all." - she said as Kristen returned to her desk.

She didn't know what she would do without her.

Who needed an April when you had a Kristen, she thought smugly.


The launch was upon her.

That night she would drink with the staff of that new department, all of whom would celebrate the completion of the first case that evening, knowing that it was all out of their hands. The department would officially hit the job the following day and it would simply be a case of come what may.

April had great faith in Penelope. If the website was anything to go by, the department was sure to succeed.

As she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she turned to the left to observe her profile.


It was lucky she hadn't been tied to the desk that month because the cut of the dress wasn't allowing for Spanx.

She had opted for a long, flowing, black-orchid halter gown from Monique Lhuillier's Ready-To-Wear Spring Collection 2023. She had fallen in love with Lhuillier's designs when she saw them. Although it was out of season, it was the most she could afford and had still set her back the cost of a return flight to London. She knew it was ridiculous to spend so much on a dress, but she had to admit that dressing in designer clothing was gratifying.

The signature golden-hued brass belt pulled it all together, and the cut of the dress accentuated her lightly muscled arms and shoulders, whilst keeping her best assets under wraps. Well, from the front anyway. The dress was completely backless and dipped so low that she had been forced to spend three hours finding the perfect set of underwear to go with it.

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