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«Deep conversations.»

April raised a questioning brow when she spotted Penelope standing on the curb, next to her pink car, only a few metres away from her office.

"Boss's orders." - she shrugged, opening the door.

April looked down and thanked all of the deities she knew that she had had an important meeting that day. She had at least put some effort into her outfit that morning.

As she slid into the front of the car, she noted it was empty. Penelope got in, and she raised her eyebrow in question.

"Should I ask or?"

"She had a plan, but she was running late. So now, this is the plan."

"You kidnap me and hide the body?" - April asked.

"I drive you to Quantico." - Penelope said.

"And the official line was?"

"Something everyone had to do." - Penelope chuckled.

"But you're here. How would something everyone had to do make her late?"

"She was pressed for time. I do believe the exact words barked down the phone were: Oh, I don't know, something everyone has to do, come up with something! and then click." - Penelope laughed.

April shook her head.

"That sounds about right."

"Humour her, for my sake." - Penelope pleaded.

"Oh don't worry, I will."

"April." - Penelope said in warning.

The younger agent chuckled.

"Well, if she's stuck with something that everyone has to do, with an imaginary second staff, do you think we have time to pick up a bottle of wine? It's a Friday, I'd appreciate a drink."

"Can't see why not." - Penelope said.

April relaxed back into the heated seats of Penelope pink Porche. It had been another long week and she wasn't going to complain about that reprieve from the weather.

She watched the city pass by until they reached the boutique wine store Penelope had introduced April to the previous year.

By the time Emily called, the redhead had stocked up, squirreling a few extortionately priced bottles away in Penelope's locker at Quantico for future use.

April watched from afar and behind the glass as Emily worked at ger desk in her studio on the top of the bullpen and still, for the life of her, couldn't understand how one human could maintain such an image of perfection after a full working week.

She felt her heart rate pick up just a little as she stepped through the office and opened the door.

"Again?" - Emily asked as she watched April enter the office and was immediately handed a respectable-sized glass of Grenache.

"It's Friday!" - April said in protest.

"Yes, I suppose it is. Do you have an endless supply ready in that bag of yours, or should I simply not ask?" - she said, raising her eyebrow and eyeing Penelope, that was visible from the glass, suspiciously.

"Always come prepared." - April shot back with a grin.

Emily rolled her eyes before turning back to her wine, taking a sip.

"Fine, tolerable." - she said, as April laughed.

"I'm glad you approve."

Emily turned to face her fully. She paused for a moment, twirling her glass before speaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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