Part Five

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Kate found herself strapped to a table, she could hear Barnes in another room, screaming, as the electric current was running through him, causing the lights to flicker around her. She desperately wanted to call out to him, tell him to fight it, but it was pointless, he probably wouldn't hear her from where she was. Because she could hear he was a distance from her.

In the room, as she looked around, she found there was Fisk standing to one side, and a man who was prepping things on the table close by. Her arms were by her side, handcuffed to the railings that were down by the side, almost like an old hospital bed, and a strap over her legs, and her body.

"What are you doing?" She grumbled, looking around, hearing that she wasn't speaking properly, almost as if she had been drugged.

"We are going to get information from you" Fisk explained. "I need to know, what your team knows about me, and what they think I am planning"

She slowly turned her head, feeling like it was so light.

"What makes you think, I know anything, about this" She said, feeling drowsy once more. "That I may be privileged to any of that"

"Because you are Tony Stark's daughter" He commented.

Fisk looked over at the man who was doing something with the table.

"Give her the first dose" Fisk ordered.

"Please, don't" She mumbled, as he picked something up, then walked to her left side and injected her with something.

Kate could feel the coldness running through her veins, her eyes almost rolling into the back of her head, as she instantly done this, she thought of Bucky, and hoped he was alright.

"Barnes" She mumbled, hearing she was not herself.

She knew she needed to snap out of this.


Bucky opened his eyes, finding he was sitting in a seat, there was nobody else around in the room with him, but he was strapped down, a large metal cuff, running over his metal arm, making sure he was going nowhere.

This brought back memories, causing him to quickly look around.

"What the hell are you doing?" He called out.

But nobody came into the room.

He could hear electricity running from somewhere, and he knew eventually it would be running through him, someone was trying to bring back the Winter Soldier.

"Just relax Sergeant" A voice said over the speaker system.

"You don't wanna be doing this" He called back.

"Oh, but I think we do"

"It won't work, you realise this has nothing on me, it won't work anymore, Shield removed it"

"And there are ways to bring it back Sergeant. So, just relax, the procedure will begin shortly"

Bucky pulled on his arm, trying to get it free from the machine, but no matter what he done, it wouldn't move.

"Kate" He then breathed. "HEY"

Nobody spoke back.

"You better not be hurting her, I swear to god, I will kill you"

"she's fine Sergeant. She's being looked after as we speak"

"Let me see her"

"I'm afraid we can't do that" The voice then said.

"to hell you can't"

"We are about to begin the process, if you can try and relax, remain calm"

"Remain calm, are you having a fucking laugh?" He yelled. "Get me out of here, or I swear I am gonna,...."

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