Fifth chapter

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"I think he's sleeping", one of the classmates commented. Hirano was sitting on the sofa, his feet stable on the floor and his arms crossed over his chest. However, he had leaned towards Amajiki and had found a comfortable position sleeping against his shoulders, slumping his body down a little as well. 

"He rarely looks this calm, huh", other classmate said, touching his hair a little, "Hirano has like super soft hair", she announced, playing with a little more until Hirano frowned a little and groaned. Only that had her back off. "What products does he use?"

The boys who had seen him wash his hair once or twice in the sink over the shower and applying something to his hair shrugged. 

"Seriously", the girl sighed. 

"We should call it a night soon", another classmate commented, looking at the clock on the wall. 

"Yeah, I guess we should". 

The eyes slowly turned to Hirano. They had before been staring at an army of insects crawling around their rooms when they had woken up Hirano after he had gone to bed in the night. 

"I-I can, uh, take him to his room", Amajiki told. 

"Yes! We thank you for your sacrifice!" the classmates thanked. 

"Sacrifice", he quietly repeated, rather confused. 

Little did Hado and Amajiki know, they were the only two students who did not hear a story of their dorm rooms crawling with insects.  

As the other students began leaving Amajiki began his operation. First he lifted Hirano's head enough to have it lean on the backrest of the sofa rather than him. Then he slowly but surely pushed his body to sit more straight on the sofa to make sure that once Amajiki moved, Hirano didn't fall to his side. Amajiki stood up, lifted up Hirano's head enough to have his right arm go under and then he gathered confidence before swiftly putting his left hand under his legs. 

Amajiki stayed still for a few moments before lifting him up. Hirano sighed softly, but didn't wake up. Amajiki corrected his position, bringing his right arm a little lower to support Hirano from his shoulders, and leaning back a little to have Hirano's head fall more towards his chest, luckily the horn wasn't pushing against his chest. There the journey began. One of the other students was waiting on the lift's door, keeping it open as Amajiki walked in it sideways to make sure Hirano's head or legs didn't even by accident hit anything. He was glad once the doors closed; the first part of the journey was a success. 

When the lift's doors opened the boys were lined up by their doors. Hirano's dorm's door was already opened and was held wide open by one of their classmates. Amajiki was slowly getting more intrigued as to what Hirano had done to their classmates to receive this kind of treatment. 

Hirano's dorm room was very boring. A double bed with white sheets, two grey duvets, three different kinds of pillows and a navy body pillow against the wall. The blackout curtains, a regular school desk with a spinning chair, a bookshelf with school books and a closet, all of which were made of the same darkly painted wood. Apparently his mother was handy at woodwork. From the room alone Hirano seemed like a very boring person without any interests or hobbies whatsoever. 

But then you looked closer. Under the blanket were small plushies made by his younger sister. There were three of them, each better than the last. On the bookshelf were multiple volumes of many different mangas that Hirano flew through and every time he went home, he exchanged the manga volumes to new ones. On the school desk were five stick figure like wooden things with moving limbs. Those were part of a story that Hirano never ended. They even occasionally accompanied him in class in which they took notes for him or did classwork. The teacher had accepted given that Hirano had to give them the answers for them to be able to write them down. 

Amajiki put Hirano down on the bed gently. Then he crawled over him to move the duvet and make it easier to him to move Hirano under it, given that the boy was only wearing his casual clothes that he usually wore to bed as well; a T-shirt and sweatpants. Amajiki stopped hearing Hirano groan and start moving around. He attempted to turn to his side, but was stopped by Amajiki's legs. He huffed, making some uninterpretable gestures with his hands, as well as attempting to hit Amajiki's hip as if trying to remove the object that was stopping him from turning. 

"You move around a lot in your sleep, huh?" Amajiki whispered, mostly to himself. After moving around the duvet enough he stood back up and made a similar trick as before to lift up Hirano. Amajiki lowered Hirano near the body pillow and made sure he had a pillow under his head before starting to move around the duvet again. A thing he knew about Hirano was that he got cold easy. The amount of times he had complained that he was cold was uncountable. Despite this Hirano often refused to layer up on clothes since he also easily felt stuffy. First he laid the thinner duvet on him, tucking it under him a little as well. Then the thicker one that was also heavier. 

As Amajiki was leaning over his face, tucking the thicker duvet under Hirano as well, the boy's face began twitching. His limbs began flailing around as much as they could in the cocoon that Amajiki had put him in. 

The other thing Amajiki Tamaki was well aware of Hirano Shion was that he was famously claustrophobic and had difficult time when his arms were held against the rest of his body. 

And then Hirano's eyes opened and widened from looking at Amajiki who was holding himself over Hirano by having his hands support him.    

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