Sixth chapter

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"Ta-Tamaki?" Hirano questioned, dumbfounded to be looking at Amajiki in the dark room.

Amajiki didn't get called by his first name by Hirano often. He had yet to make a connection in which situations Hirano called him 'Tamaki', but was sure that there was a pattern there somewhere.

"Ugh..." Amajiki didn't know how to explain it quickly enough without getting something wrong. His head slumped down to Hirano's chest.

"Amajiki? Are you okay?" Hirano questioned while slowly trying to comfort Amajiki by caressing his hair. Hirano wasn't sure what was going on, but was fairly certain that Amajiki wasn't up to something bad.

"You fell asleep in the common room so I carried you here..." he began. He was happy to have received such a calming response over a freak-out that could've also been possible. "I was tucking you in and you woke up. I wasn't doing anything suspicious. I swear".

"Yeah, I figured". Hirano struggled a little under the covers before having his other arm out as well. He took a deep breath. "Thanks, but could you please get off me? Your head is actually pushing against my chest really hard and it's not helping with the feeling of being trapped".

"Of course!" Amajiki stumbled back, almost falling off the bed had Hirano not been quick enough to grab his arm.

"Seriously, watch out", Hirano told, letting go as soon as Amajiki seemed to be stably sitting down.

Amajiki was out the door very soon after. He was very fast on his feet when he wanted to be. Hirano fell on his side. He stared at the body pillow before tightly hugging it- almost strangling it, one might say. Amajiki's cheeks were red, so much so that he could see it even only with the light coming from the hallway. Hirano had acted cool, he didn't let Amajiki see the completely red face he was having at that moment.

Few days later Raconteur was back at Timing's agency, with Shinso on toll.

"Well, well, you two look like brothers!" Yukimura commented. Shinso and Hirano were standing side by side. Both of them had dark bags under their eyes and Hirano had pulled his hair back a little more than usual after he didn't bother washing it.

"Timing", Hirano said.

"Yes?" Yukimura happily answered, however, his cheery smile quickly dropped after noticing the murderous aura. "Are you feeling alright?" for a split second his body was going a lot faster than the usual time and he had essentially teleported by Hirano, "Did you sleep well? Obviously not, did you eat? Maybe you skipped breakfast? Should we get breakfast? Are you hungry Hirano? Shinso, do you have a preference for breakfast?" he had turned to face Shinso over circling Hirano.

"I.. no? But I am not really hungry".

"We are just fine", Hirano said. "Your patrol doesn't start in a few hours, so we will go train for that time". Hirano rubbed his eyes before slapping Shinso's back lightly to have him follow.

"Alright! There better not be any bruises on your faces once you're done!" he waved.

The room they used to train was quite simple, but fit the style of the agency. It was underground, three of the walls were stone and the last was cushioned. The floor was half made out of concrete while the other half was tatami mats.

Hirano sat against the concrete wall opposite of the cushioned one and gestured Shinso to stand in front of him, his back facing the cushioned wall. "I'm seriously really tired, so would you mind just fighting against my stories? It'd help with your stamina since they don't really get tired".

"Sure, but please no mannequins this time". Shinso shivered a little at the headless mannequins he fought against the last time that Hirano had made for him.

"Oh sure, sorry about those. I usually use them for shock affect".

"I can see why". Shinso jumped a few times, stretched his arms and back. Then he looked at Hirano, "I'm ready".

"Once upon a time, there humanoid robots of my size. Despite being of steel, their softness was compared to humans. One by one they attacked against the boy, having reasonable skill in close combat. Once they sustained enough damage so that a human would give up, so would they. And so a few dozen robots came to exist and began attacking".

After the robots were created Hirano took out the handkerchief and coughed to it, gladly not seeing any blood.

Hirano admitted to being socially awkward at times, he was easily anxious and had self doubts, but when needed, he could for a while act as if he didn't. He came across as confident, someone many could rely on. Someone Amajiki could rely on. He had told Amajiki dozens of stories, varying from small animals to seeing other people as potatoes. Yet, he felt so pathetic for barely being able to thank the cashier whenever he went to the store.

Sure, Hirano gave people a show when he was Raconteur, but that was the hero. He felt almost like a different person whenever he was giving those exhibitions of his quirk. And even then, afterwards he felt his heart beating quickly, his lungs being out of air and his stomach cramping, ready to throw up whatever he had eaten. Even then he was pathetic.

"Hirano senpai!" Shinso screamed, being held upside down by one of the robots.

"... The end", he quietly said walking to Shinso who had been dropped down, "How did you manage that?" he asked while offering his hand.

"I don't know. I think it came from behind, so I was caught off guard".

"I see, well, now you know to watch your back as well, right?"

"Yes". Hirano dusted Shinso's clothes, as well turned him around to feel his shoulders and back to see if he was hurt. "Um, do you know why Mr Aizawa and Timing are in such bad terms?"

"Oh, no idea. They used to work together quite often, so something probably happened there", he continued pushing random spots on Shinso's back with two of his knuckles, "You know, Timing isn't an offensive type of hero since whoever he touches also comes to his time, with objects he can at least pick and choose. So, he relies on other people for offense, that someone for a while was probably Mr Aizawa and he's being petty about being left to fend for himself since he's so picky about sidekicks".

"Speaking of that, does he have any sidekicks?"

"Not at the moment, I'll be the fifth one he's ever had. He's sometimes called the assistant because he almost exclusively partnered with other heroes rather than working on his own before I began my work study during my second year".

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