Crushing On You Preferences

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Wally Darling (og)(Party coffin on Twitter)

🍎 He would always turn red whenever you enter the room.

🍎Any sort of touch will make him warmer than the dang sun. Tapping his shoulder, brushing his hair, hugging... He loves hugging.

🍎Will always check up on you when you're around and gift you apples sometimes.

🍎He would talk about you ALL THE TIME to Barnaby. If you were in his shoes, you would cut your ears off because this dude won't stop yapping.

🍎"Yeah... Neighbor's really nice... And fun... And cool... And I just wished they thought the same."

🍎Everyone knows... Even you. He makes it too obvious. You were only sure when Howdy talked about how Wally was so nice to you. A bit... too nice.

Opposite Wally (Op! AU)(Henneysilly on TikTok)

🍏Would always tease you but when you get sad from it, he would apologize via letters.

🍏Loves doodling you whenever you're with him.

🍏When you find his doodles, he would grab that sketchbook faster than you can say anything.

🍏Biggest tsundere ever. Even bigger tsundere than Natsuki.

🍏Atleast now you know why he is always staring.

🍏Only Barnaby knows. You think he is acting weird but you doubt it a LOT.

Actor Wally (Actor! AU) (frillsand on TikTok)

⭐Honestly, not much would change. The only difference is that he would be really jealous if anyone around his age would talk to you. Work-related or not.

⭐He always makes sure that you're doing okay everyday. He treats you like his friends. ENDLESS PAMPERING.

⭐He loves it when you hang out with him. He loves spending time with you.

⭐He doesn't blush a lot but if you're lucky, you might see him hide his red face.

⭐Clingy but respects your boundaries.

⭐No one knows but Julie thinks he always acts weird around you.

⭐Also a really big tsundere.

Walden Darling(Your_Internet_mom on TikTok) (former owner: Dodozoi17)

🌈He cares about your health. Whenever you get hurt or you overwork yourself, he would force you to rest and not come back to work unless you're feeling better.

🌈Regularly visits you and makes small talk after work.

🌈Even though you're special to him, he doesn't treat you any better. You're still the same assistant but he definitely is feeling different about it.

🌈If you are hurt by one of his snarky criticisms, he wouldn't leave his office.(The guilt would eat him alive.)

🌈Not one single soul knows.

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