Chapter 6: A Night Of Thunderstorm.

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The day had been a rainy one in New York. Bursts of showers on and off made it hard to go anywhere without an umbrella, just in case. Roseanne had already paid the price once when she'd dashed down to the deli to grab herself and Ashley a chef's salad for lunch.

In spite of the weather, she was excited and nervous to see Jennie tonight. She'd missed her in the few days they'd been apart but had lived for their text exchanges and getting to know the fun, light-hearted side of Jennie as well as the thoughtful, deep version. The more they talked, the stronger her feelings for Jennie grew, which was why it was so important tonight went well. She'd let them settle in with a glass of wine, sit Jennie down on the couch, and lay it all out there the way she and Ashley had gone over earlier that afternoon. She'd tell Jennie that she was becoming more important to Roseanne than any job, and let her know that if Roseanne had known how things would happen between them, she would have announced her identity from moment one. She'd say she was sorry and offer to do whatever Jennie wanted to make it up to her. And then she'd wait, because Jennie was allowed to have any reaction she wanted, even if it was to kick Roseanne out of her apartment. Her heart dropped just imagining that scenario.

As she made her way to Jennie, she'd opted for a Uber to alleviate the risk of getting caught in the rain. Didn't matter. As she exited the car in front of Jennie's building, a torrential downpour coupled with aggressive wind flipped her umbrella inside out and near soaked her on what was only a short walk to the door.

"Dammit," she said, shaking herself off on the lobby's doormat. Her shirt clung to her body like a second skin. She couldn't even guess what her hair must look like. She found Jennie's door on the third floor and knocked, ready to apologize for the puddle she'd likely create. Was that music? Yes. Something mellow and nice, which helped her relax a bit.

The door opened, and there she was, looking drop-dead gorgeous in navy tapered jeans, heeled boots that gave her at least three inches, and a dark pink sweater with a generous neckline Roseanne wanted to thank the universe for. "Wow, you're beautiful, and I'm sadly dripping."

Jennie's initial smile faded as her gaze moved from Roseanne's face down to her probably now see-through shirt. She hadn't thought about that component, but Jennie seemed struck.

"No one is complaining in the slightest," Jennie said quietly as she stepped back to allow Roseanne inside. "Please come in. I was prepared to offer you wine, but maybe I should pivot to a change of clothes."

"I wouldn't turn down a comfy shirt, if we could dry this one before we go anywhere."

"We can toss it in the dryer and make you comfy in the meantime." Jennie poured Roseanne a glass of red and handed it off. "Back in a moment."

Roseanne sipped, trying to stay positive, until Jennie reappeared with a cozy, worn-in sweatshirt that Roseanne already loved because it was Jennie's. "Thank you."

Without giving it much thought, Roseanne unbuttoned her own shirt just as Jennie said, "You can change in there if you—Oh. Okay."

"I apologize," Roseanne said. "I can go—"

"No. Stay."

She did, and the temperature in the room shifted with each remaining button. When she slid the shirt off her shoulders, she felt Jennie's stare all over. Her skin went hypersensitive with her slightly wet bra now on display. Pale pink. Jennie took a step forward and, with a determined look in her eye, slid the shirt off the rest of the way until it fell to the floor. Roseanne barely breathed as Jennie brushed her hair off one shoulder, leaving it bare. Her gaze dropped to it, and she leaned down and kissed it. A shot of arousal moved through Roseanne, downward. Her eyes fluttered closed, as Jennie's lips moved from her shoulder to her neck, the soft sounds of her breath sending a shiver skipping across Roseanne's skin.

She went still, sent into some kind of half panic, half wonder. This was an unexpected twist, but how was she supposed to press pause? "Jennie," she murmured, just as Jennie's mouth pressed to hers and the world flew off its axis. Her ability to reason skipped off with it. She stepped into Jennie and cupped her face and angled her own for better access. The kiss instantly took over everything, sending Roseanne down the rabbit hole to lust and lust only.

The more they kissed, the more they needed to. Urgency took over. Their pace reflected the desperation at play as hands joined the mix, roaming, touching lightly and then with more purpose. The wine, the rain, Roseanne's trajectory all forgotten. Thunder rumbled outside, and the candle Jennie had set on the end table flickered shadows onto the far wall.

With her tongue, Roseanne urged Jennie's lips apart and slipped inside, exploring her mouth, a source of her captivation for weeks. "I love the way you taste," she whispered and deepened the kiss. There was no one sexier than Jennie Kim, she decided, and confident, in-charge Jennie was new and intoxicating. She was very much in control tonight, and Roseanne loved it.

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