Chapter 2 - Tenfold

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Dreams were futile and forgettable, yet they felt too real, like a nightmare yet always standing in anticipation of it happening for however long you take, yet never being able to reach the beginning of the disaster, forced to sit there, forced to an unwavering roughness you want to let go, lofty and fragile without a semblance of a reason as pride no longer has a purpose and fear becomes the magnum opus that your being centers on.

Nightmares of that kind, though slowly, however thoroughly began to flood Sans' mind on the deadest of nights he could feel his palm tightening with his pillow as his legs scrunched under the blanket, the blanket became wrinkled, and Sans involuntarily grunted in his sleep, he began to grind his teeth as his breaths became profuse, deep and inconsistent as more of the winds and faint particles of snow began to seep into his room through the poorly shut window just above his bed.

The breeze and its whisking sounds of anticipation, began to build up until Sans began to move strangely around his bed, taking out his pillow and using it to cover his head to try and block out the noise and incomprehensible feeling, but it was no use, and soon enough, without the semblance of a warning, or an invitation to whatever ungodly thing laid outside of his house when far above the surface moon turned to the first quarter and the Underground in its ghostly wails, the unbearable sound of sticks breaking from the outside filled Sans' room, and not just that... A whisper came through as well...

"The breakage, the bones, and the dust, Sans." A monstrous, distorted voice whispered as if next to Sans' very skull...

Filled with a never-before-felt sense of dread, Sans, with a drop of sweat running down his skull jumped up from his bed, that disgusting sound filling his mind as he held his skull tightly with both of his hands, he thought he had finally forgotten about it, but the very fact not even the leisurely pleasure he was feeling from the 'party' earlier was rather disappointing, he thought as he heaved out a sigh for himself as well, he had never felt like this, most likely just the stress finally leaking in, he thought before his eyes landed on his jacket laying idly on his bed.

"...It'll be risky but if I can nap again... Not too big of a sacrifice," Sans spoke, in a noticeably serious tone as his usual smile turned to one of a small grimace as he eagerly grabbed onto his jacket before putting it on swiftly in one go, the skeleton felt both puzzled and anew, second-guessing himself as his body instinctually began to move to his door, was he really gonna take such a risky move? Sans thought of the possibility of it just being those Gyftrots but that sound was far too familiar, it happened at such unnatural times it had to be more than just a Gyftrot, and that voice... Nevertheless, if this was left unchecked he wouldn't be the only one suffering here no doubt.

"...Alright, just one go," Sans muttered to himself with one deep breath as he slowly, and quietly turned the knob to his door, the fresh air of the night passed by him as he stepped out onto the blue carpet before turning to close his door just as silently as he did prior, Sans looked around his surroundings, feeling oddly nervous, but he was quick to dismiss that.

"...Let's see what you really are, Mr. Insomnia," Sans confidently said as his grin returned to him once again, his eyes fixating on his house's doorknob.

Later, on, when Sans made his way down the long stairway and exited his humble home, now stood in the lonely, almost ghastly paths of Snowdin Town, only lit up by the faintest lights and lanterns, and the eternal Christmas tree in the center of it all, it made him rather melancholic to see his home in such a state, he never usually never goes out this late in the night, so this may as well have been his first time seeing Snowdin like this, gloomy and unforgiving... And before he knew it, the sound of branches crackling, and this time, just behind his house.

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