Chapter 17 - Broken

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Blasted berries, Caeryssa. Could you be any more awkward? She shook her head and snorted lightly under her breath. Of course, he remembered them having sex. Why had she even tried to pretend she didn't know what he was talking about? She set the two plates on either end of the long, rectangular dining table with its inlaid design of silver within the navy woodgrain of the local forests, then perched on the edge of a matching high-backed chair, waiting for him to join her.

When he sauntered in, mouthwatering body on display, she couldn't help devouring him with her eyes. Roots, did he have to be so blooming sexy? As much as she'd tried to scold herself, to remind her libidinous thoughts to not lust after the hot prince—who knew exactly how to use his mouth, fingers, and cock to best sensual advantage, her body argued back—and that he was, in fact, her enemy, she failed as soon as he was in front of her again. It was no wonder her mind had gone mushy berry.

"Thank you for preparing our breakfast." Rain sat and ate in that politely correct way he had of using his utensils—never hurried and certainly not like his ship had ever had their food synthesizer stop working five days from the nearest space station or habitable planet.

While she nodded—unable to speak for fear of releasing some inappropriate sigh, or gnarly thistle, a moan—she peeled the leather pants from him in her thoughts. Was he still hard? Oh, fuck. She tried not to squirm as her sex clenched in remembered joy.

She picked up her fork and took a bite of cool, succulent melon, focusing on the taste to ignore her raging libido. After a minute of avoiding glancing at the other end of the table, she managed a full breath.

Incredible as it had been with the prince, they had so much still between them. Her father... How did they even begin to deal with this? Thorny thistles, as much as it tore her up, she understood why Rain sought vengeance. She loved her father, but he'd killed—murdered—the prince's mother and sister in cold blood. A girl the same age as his own daughter. Rain's sister had still been a child, only nineteen—not even old enough to form a soulmate bond.

How could Karzen justify those deaths? It pierced her soul. She'd never be able to look at her father with innocence again. His hands were covered, soaked in blood.

And how could she blame Rain? He hadn't yet killed her father.

With another bite of melon, she considered her options. Not many, granted. But she still had the chance to plead for mercy, for imprisonment. After all, there was her mother to think about. Killing her father would likely kill her, too. Surely the prince would rethink his choice after experiencing how tightly the bond bound two souls.

Rain's wrist com chirped, and he tapped it. "Yes?"

"Sarru, we intercepted the Basilisk entering the system. It's under lock at space dock seventeen on the Royal Military orbital platform."

Caeryssa's heart leapt into her throat, the melon turning to dust in her mouth. Her parents had come for her. Her father... She set her fork down and twisted her fingers in her lap. She thought she'd have more time. To talk to Rain. To prepare to face her father—face what he'd done. Thistles and thorns. Her breath turned ragged. Oh, shards. She wasn't ready.

"Well done. I'll be up to deal with it shortly." The prince's eyes met hers, glittering hard and unyielding—the playful warmth of moments ago gone. "No one in or out, Commander," he warned.

"Yes, Sarru."

Rain flicked off his comm, still holding her gaze as if he could see right into her soul. "Something you want to say, Caeryssa?"

She swallowed, then swallowed again against the acid climbing her throat. Why did he only say her actual name when he was displeased with her? Where had that man who called her C'ssa gone? She could really use his arms around her right now.

"Aya... my mom." Caeryssa fought the heat building behind her eyes and licked her lips against a mouth gone dry. "She's innocent, not an assassin. She's never killed anyone. Please."

His golden eyes narrowed. "Speak plainly. What are you asking of me, Caeryssa?"

A tear escaped and traced a fiery trail down her cheek. Pain cut into her thighs as her fingernails drew blood. "My parents are soulmates. If you kill him, you'll kill her. We've experienced the binding ourselves, how tightly the energies are linked." Her voice dropped to a bare whisper. "Please... please, Sarru. Don't kill my mom."

A muscle ticked in his jaw. "I notice you aren't pleading for your father."

Another tear fell and Caeryssa's breath hiccuped. "I studied the file you gave me. I—I remember where we spent my birthdays. They—" She swallowed against the lump in her throat, then blurted, "They lined up with assassinations credited to him." She covered her mouth with shaking fingers as a sob escaped.

He leaned forward in his seat, hands pressed to the table. "So you accept I didn't lie to you. I didn't deceive you. Your father, Karzen Hawke, is an assassin and murdered my mother and sister."

Caeryssa nodded, a shudder wracking her body.

"I need to hear you say it, Caeryssa. I don't want any misunderstandings," he growled.

"My f-father, Karzen H-Hawke, is an as-assassin and m-m-murdered your mother a-a-and sister," she forced out between sobs.

"You are going to come with me to confront him. Nothing will be hidden between us, Caeryssa. You may not like the truths I have to tell you, but I will always do my best to tell you the truth." He pushed back from the table and stood, a muscle clenching in his jaw. "In the meantime, I'll consider your request. Clean yourself up and get ready as soon as possible. I want to leave within the next thirty minutes." Without a backward glance, he left the room.

Something inside her broke. Chest heaving and tears unchecked, Caeryssa collapsed.

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